ok, I am at work tonight and we go on our first break. I go to the cashier for a snickers candy bar and a coke. Well, I wander thru the store and come across some of my friends and we start to chat. I tear open my snickers and start eating it. Then at that moment after 3 bites, another friend walks up saying I wish I had money for a snickers I would kill for one. Being sweet, I set down my snickers on top of a cardboard box and reach in my pocket for some change for him. All of a sudden, [i]I am staring at my snickers and have this look of horror on my face and this horrid shreek comes from me. Oh my freaking god, jesus this thing is green. Oh nasty...I start to gag and run to the bathroom about to lose it screaming thinking that I have eaten [/i][b] a moldy freaking snickers bar.[/b] I throw the partially eaten candy bar at my cashier Roxanne and she throws it back at me screaming I dont want that eww gross. Somehow it ends up back on the cardboard box where all this started. [u]My friend who would kill for the snickers bar to begin with looks at it and the wrapper and grabs it and eats it disgusting everyone else around. [/u]I am still in the bathroom meanwhile.
In comes my friend, Shannon, you know its ok, its a Shrek candy bar, its not moldy...see and shows me the wrapper. Its supposed to be green inside. So wrong.
It tasted fine, and just knowing peanuts and chocolate are not supposed to be green...just the thought...NASTY.
I feel like a complete moron now. But it was a good laugh. Thought I would share.