Who is in the audience?

Postby georgygirl on 11 Jun 2007 04:13

[quote](wow it's been that long?).

Mrs. Gradenko, are you beginning to feel a little bit old?

:twisted: :P :twisted:

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Postby michelle on 11 Jun 2007 04:32

[quote="georgygirl"][quote](wow it's been that long?).

Mrs. Gradenko, are you beginning to feel a little bit old?

:twisted: :P :twisted:


I had to fight w/ my parents to see them back starting w/the Ghost tour; now I have to fight with the husband to keep it up. Too bad at 41, I still haven't grown up. At least this year I didn't have to bash my head against the headboard to persuade my parents to let me go. Um, well maybe I did, come to think of it... Made it to the Whisky AND Vancouver, with several more to go. Next up: Phoenix!
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Postby georgygirl on 11 Jun 2007 04:45

michelle, anyway you are lucky to see The Police live, no matter if you have to fight with some people to see them...

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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 11 Jun 2007 04:53

[quote="georgygirl"][quote](wow it's been that long?).

Mrs. Gradenko, are you beginning to feel a little bit old?

:twisted: :P :twisted:


Looking back, yes. Two decades sounds ancient, you know...
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Postby Duke on 11 Jun 2007 04:55

now I have to fight with the husband to keep it up.<<

there is SUCH an opening for a joke here :P
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Postby cpriddims on 11 Jun 2007 05:06

[quote="Duke"]I'm hearing Atl in November. I'll be there.[/quote]

Looks like I'll be your host for the pre show fan party?

Now if they'd just set the damn date!
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Postby georgygirl on 11 Jun 2007 05:23

[quote]Two decades sounds ancient, you know...

Sure, I remember when I was 20, I began to feel a little bit old, so just imagine how ancient I feel now...

Anyway sometimes is amazing, and more because The Police is back and I can remember that old part of my life when I met this band (1980)

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Postby Hannaha on 11 Jun 2007 08:56

I like to think of myself as a 30-something *professional* fuck-up. :wink:
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Postby smudge on 11 Jun 2007 12:12

Another 30-something 'not exactly fuck up but why haven't you had kids yet' sort of person here. :wink:

I think Regatta was the second album by anyone that I ever bought. Saw them on the Synchronicity tour - my first ever gig. Managed to remain remarkably sanguine about the fact that they appeared to be no more. Then that bloody announcement was made and all of a sudden instead of doing sensible things (choosing a new sofa, trying to get on an MBA course, sending birthday presents to nephew/neice/sister in law), I'm fretting about being a flag custodian...

I guess if I spot any other warning signs (stamping foot and yelling 'its not fair!!', drinking cider, singing into a hairbrush), I'll know I've regressed fully back to age 14.
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Postby Hannaha on 11 Jun 2007 12:36

Hey smudge, not having kids doesn't make you any kind of fuck-up in my book... in fact it makes you very sensible and, probably, lucky! ;)

(no offence to the many loving parents on here but it's not for everyone!)

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Postby Jennythenipper on 11 Jun 2007 14:29

[quote="conroy"]A lot of us are mid-30's professionals (of what?! I haven't figured that one out yet, though I like Duke's "fuck ups") who were too young to go see them live the first time around. I didn't become a fan until Synchronicity came out in 1983.[/quote]

Ditto for me except that I was a fan starting with Zenyatta. I lived in North Dakota. Is that enough said about why i didn't ever get to see the police live? I think so.

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Postby Jennythenipper on 11 Jun 2007 14:31


I guess if I spot any other warning signs (stamping foot and yelling 'its not fair!!', drinking cider, singing into a hairbrush), I'll know I've regressed fully back to age 14.[/quote]

Still haven't really progressed beyond that!
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Postby phaty on 11 Jun 2007 14:35

I turned 40 last week and I never felt better then 2007 - no really.
Just a great year, new dog, new job, new love, and four Police gigs in the fall ... the sun shines out of my butt.
Feeling old? My godchild (21 now) got tickets for the Mannheim show for himself and the g/f.
Me: "Moshpit?" He: "No my g/f wants to sit down in a concert!" (she is 18 ) Me: "Loser" He: "I know!"

The European gigs have real moshpits, no chairs. I predict some slam dancing for "So Lonely" - Mannheim will have one, I will start it!

We are the class they won't be able to teach cuz we know better ...

Postby Rusty James on 11 Jun 2007 15:48

[quote="Duke"]Are we all forty-somethings professionals?<<

god I hope I never become one of those. I enjoy being a 30ish fuck up.

Can I be a late (nearly 40) 30ish nubile fuck up? Ok, truth be told I was a teenager (14) when the Syncronicity tour came to town and wasn't allowed to go as per the parental units. I remember the ads promoting The Clash (my second favourite band - bar none) playing down in Seattle and the resounding "no bloody way are you going to see that concert". Heartbreaker.
Feeling Old ?: Try this one on; my wife and I have a granddaughter now so that makes me a hotty grandpa? Yeah right!

HEY DUKE: Your quote speaks volumes.....RIP John Graham Mellor (Joe Strummer) 8) 8) 8)
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Postby English-lion on 11 Jun 2007 16:42

O.k. you wiper snappers I remember when........... I first heard the Police it was ELTSDIM I was in junior high being picked on by I'm sure by now losers in life! probably still working in Mickey d's anyway listing to the police formed me into the person I am today I just turned 40 May 31 of this year yes I'm now in the (40 - death) age bracket. Ohh the joys of being 40 it's not that bad (crying into my morning coffee) :cry: really I"m fine I'll be o.k.

honest. :?
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