by BongoBoy on 23 May 2007 14:55
I am so happy about that article.
I guess maybe it helps to be a musician to understand the "old songs, new version" thing. There is NO other way.
I really don't understand how anyone could expect the same band from all those years ago...they were 24 years old when they last toured!!!
I WANT to hear their idea's, I want them to be INTO IT !. I would hate to see the same show from the 1980's with them struggling to get into an old groove. They are well seasoned musicians now, bringing so many different angles to the music. It will be fantastic. They wanna show you how awesome they are...that's what you want.
I think that if you DEMAND the same stuff from the old days then you think they are a jukebox...they ain't Baby !
.....couple days now...tick...tick...tick.
CHEERS, the optimist.