Sockii's got some nice ideas, and her experience in this area would be quite handy to you guys, Gio.
re: Links: Yep, without that option for conversation, the Links area is frustrating and therefore underused.
re: Welcome/Newbie/FAQ area: Always nice to provide users a gateway into the community and a place to say hello. "Rules and Communications" could be changed to "Announcements and Intros" or the like, where admin announcements/FAQs can be kept prominent.
re: Collectables: It sounds like a nice idea, but nearly all collectable stuff mentioned on is SC-related, so I don't that would get much play. Those that aren't would fit in OT.
re: Drummers: I like Anthony's idea of a Drummer/Musician area; fits well with much of the population and would make those wonderful teaching threads that pop up now and then easier to find.
re: OT: Gio, you've seen the forum grow and change over the years, and you and Eu have done a great job of trying to make the site fun and functional for diverse populations. It's laudable that you're taking into consideration all those different populations. For the users that want or only have time for a drive-by fix of Stewart-specific info before jetting out again, separating on- from off-topic areas makes a great deal of sense. Just don't be surprised when the off-topic area gets the most activity, particularly during periods when Stewart's back in his hidey-hole. (Hi, Stewart.) Like others have said, off-topic areas are often the most fun -- which is part of why so many on-topic posts devolve into off-topic posts. (E.g., see The Basement at, or whatever it's really called.) The separation would also make it easier for researchers/press to find relevant info.
I say this all with the caveat of sockii's:
I wouldn't, however, create TOO many separate sub-forums because then things can become dead or too compartmentalized. It's a delicate balance
I'd suggest starting smaller and gradually increasing later if you find it necessary. My off-the-top breakdown suggestion:
* Announcements and Intros (formerly Rules and Communications)
* The Krypton Forum (for Stewart-specific/Stewart-specific-related stuff)
* Stewart's Dinner Tales (formerly Stewarts' Dinner Tales) [Is there any way to fix that apostrophe, Eu?!? For me???]
* Musician's Corner (for gear talk and advice and lessons and stuff) [Sock, did I just mentally nick that from]
* Miscellaneous or The Green Room or something (for everything else)
I would also vote for a Swearing area (a.k.a. Phaty's House), in which people do nothing but swear.
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