Wow, am getting into this WA-A-Y-Y-Y late (because I DO NOT own a computer, too cheap, use at work during 'break'
). Whoa!?! Did THAT just disqualify me????? Hmmm, I don't drink for practical/personal/belief reasons-drink LOTS of java tho', don't make that decision for others, yer business. No credit cards, don't think I can afford debt.
The science fiction angle, yes, don't fergit "Blade Runner"(non-director's cut-too much of a romantic). Have been known to give coat off back,literally, and empty food shelves for friends in need & sometimes friends just in 'want'.....
But most important link for us all: We REALLY enjoy The Police musically, fantastic and not dated sound, and we REALLYREALLY we do love the music their drummer has given us w/ & w/out the others.
Its been just an added 'neatness" to have this evidence of Stewarts own generous spirit & joy in this music, still, throughout this Tour.