So how are you all holding up? (RE: the waiting ...)

Postby Kim on 23 Jan 2007 00:59

I'm not holding my breath and I'm not getting anything in a twist until Miles releases an official statement and Ticketmaster publishes tour dates. Rumours are BS. I still think it's all just PR for the upcoming dvd releases. I don't have the time lately to check in here every day so if something big happens I assume my bestest friends here will e-mail me. Right? :-P
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Postby Jose on 23 Jan 2007 02:40

Every breath they takes, every move they makes... I'll being watching them.. in CNN, BBC, Internet, SC Forum, AUI Forum, Miles Forum, Stingus Forum... any place any corner of the planet... for too much information since I heard voices inside my head THE POLICE Reunion is possible till 2005 up today!
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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 23 Jan 2007 07:47

Stewart's been avoiding showing himself since the rumors started.. thinks we'll jump all over him. We probably would. Even Gio's been hiding... but he's always bussy too.
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Postby PhilippeC on 23 Jan 2007 08:07

Maybe it's just because there is absolutely nothing to say at this stage? Gio said he wouldn't give a wrong impression of what's going on. If they're still talking, there's not pretty much to say.

It is possible they don't want to give false hopes to the fans... Well, in that case, it's a failure! ;)
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