[quote="Divemistress of the Dark"]Christ almighty. I had no idea this was going on until I logged on here.
???!***??!!!! Man....How can this be happening?! I'm really kinda beside myself. Jumping onto smh.com.au now...[/quote]
It is heartbreaking, because these are areas, and people, who know how to deal with bush fires. This was unprecedented. People who thought they would have a few hours to haul out - and that was a rational, reasonable thought - had less than 30 minutes.
I know I'm a brit so it isn't my place to rant, and everyone here is far to good to even think this idiotic thought, but if one more stupid ass, damp London resident asks 'Well why didn't they just get the hell out of there and let the house burn?' I swear to gong I'll hit them. (sorry - rant over)