by DirtyMartini on 23 Mar 2008 17:02
[quote="blueboy"]Holy Crap!!!! This is exactly the kind of thing I have wanted to see done on the Police for years! It looks much more in-depth and complete than what we've had access to up to this point.[/quote]
I just took a peek at the Guest Book and saw a whole lot of familiar names from around the world. You folks rock!
If in an idle moment you find yourself, a warm body (preferably human), and a computer nearby, please do encourage that warm body to spend a quick minute signing the Guest Book.
* Got family over for Easter Dinner? Sign 'em up!
* Those annoying office/cubicle mates? Give 'em a purpose in life!
* Got 7 children? Put 'em to work!
* Got a bunch of people that you should have written to but keep putting off? What a perfect excuse for the inevitable "so sorry I haven't written" email!
Thank you, everyone, and thank you for all the positive feedback. You guys are quite amazing.
Dramatic highlights & a unique musical cosmos. Guaranteed.