ooookay, i just unsubscribed my yahoo alerts. they've NEVER sent me anything this kool! i'm sure sockii can relate. stewart himself is posting links like this, whereas yahoo has sent me the same two obits and tv listing notice EVERY DAY (and sometimes more than once a day) for the past month.
what i really like about this interview is a true focus on STEWART's career, and not just a "what he does outside of the police" kind of thing. extremely thorough and informative. and damned entertaining! i love how he displays his enthusiasm for the group and willingness to do somthing with them again while still avoiding fanning the reunion flames.
for the first time, i am really excited about this multi-band project he keeps alluding to. this is mostly due to the much more comprehensive list of artists he names. i mean, i'm not a huge ac/dc fan, but they certainly have vital credibility even today. talking heads are awesome! and several other acts mentioned have made lasting contributions to pop. bring it on!
and finally... we have further confirmation on his future plans for the rhythmatist!!!!!
(hope i didn't hit ya on the way down, dive!)
okay, i've recovered. what we are apparently going to see is a true [/i]remake[i] of the movie. my guess is this is intended to replace the first version, so a re-release of the original seems unlikely. i can deal, since i do own a rough copy, with a possibly better copy hopefully soon on its way.
it does sort of lead to more questions, tho. like, will any of JP's footage be used? i want that damn giraffe race in full pristine digital quality! and the sequence with the lions trying to get into the cage is such a fabulous idea, but was really a missed opportunity due to the poor execution. it's obvious that stewart is in a truly threatening position, but there are only two shots that have both him and the lions onscreen together! this would not be difficult at all to improve upon.
if stew is using his only his own footage, will he even be [/i]in[i] it? i'm assuming we will at least be hearing his narration, plus i'm hoping for a commentary track too. while the story they invented on the fly was goofy fun (and all the more amazing in light of the revelation that it was largely improvised), i'm betting the [/i]real[i] story of stewart and crew's adventures in africa is even more interesting and could be far better executed in stew's hands. the real meat of their excursion lay in the melding of different musical styles. or, to put it perhaps more accurately, the proclamation that there is only ONE style, and hear's (pun intended) where it came from. and, hey, let's hear about that night in jail!
whatever he does, i have total faith in his ability to turn out another piece of sheer genius that will put the old flick to shame-- even tho i still love it![/i]