TV performance of De Do Do Do...

TV performance of De Do Do Do...

Postby Popcorn Blizzard on 23 Sep 2006 05:25

Some benevolent angel just posted this on YouTube. Sweeet!
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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 23 Sep 2006 06:01

Joey sent it to me.

I hope he dosen't mind. ...

Right click, and do "save target as"

This video shows why Stewart usually sits down when he drums.

Andy and the mike! There is bass playing in the song isn't there?

Where was this video donw? because it's like Sting's trying to be sexy by showing a little skin, but that's all he's allowed, or something...
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Postby georgygirl on 23 Sep 2006 06:56

They look like a live potrait Popcorn. Thank you very much pal...
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Postby Dietmar on 23 Sep 2006 07:01

fact time again:

18-03-1981 Stewart flies from India to Bremen
19-03-1981 Sting, Andy, Miles and Kim fly from London to Bremen. They stay at the Park Hotel, where they meet Stewart. Dress rehearsal for MUSIKLADEN show at 6 o'clock. Recording at 9 o'clock. Back at the hotel golden records for everybody.
20-03-1981 Bremen Larry, the bodyguard, wakes everybody at 7:30 h and they all catch a plane to London at 8:25 h

photos can be seen in Didi Zill's photo book - I've got a spare copy, by the way !

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Postby georgygirl on 23 Sep 2006 07:05

Mrs. Gradenko, great gift to me.

Thank you very much. :wink:
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Postby copelandos_damour on 23 Sep 2006 16:23

Stewart looks cool drumming standing up.
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 23 Sep 2006 16:32

? All I'm seeing is "hotlink not allowed" on that second one.

The first one! OMG! Some observations:

* Since when have we seen Sting in an Elvis t-shirt - before or after this?
* I LOVE Andy's hair in this...anyone else notice him knocking down the mike stand, then looking sort of quizzical as it falls...?
* IS THAT STEWART'S GREEN SHIRT??? ;) I posted recently in another thread Stew has this green shirt he wore at Bonnaroo, in one of the pictures from Gizmo, and again in one of the other recent pictures...this one looks just like it! Haw! I love it! (It's really cute, not tacky or suits him...but I guess we don't have to wonder what his fave color is ;))
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Postby Jose on 23 Sep 2006 17:54

I watch it yesterday with excellent digital quality signal, taken from a DVD of 80's music from all times bands collection ( Billboard ranking?)

That's what I want: all promotional TV Broadcast POLICE clips from around the world in one DVD, like the "Family Jewels DVD from AC/DC"

I also bought (here in Lima - Peru ) three DVD's : Gateshead Corean nice quality, 2005 remastered Synchronicity Concert and Ten Summoner Tales

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Postby sockii on 23 Sep 2006 18:13

>That's what I want: all promotional TV Broadcast POLICE clips from
>around the world in one DVD, like the "Family Jewels DVD from AC/DC"

I would SO love something like this as well. Plus things like the alternative Don't Stand video that just showed up on YouTube, whatever odds and ends were out THAT would be an amazing Holiday Boxed Set, but I suppose we can only dream on, right?


(Of course, fans could take matters into their own hands, too, though it wouldn't *cough* be all that legal. I'm just thinking of the amazing project that went down among Warren Zevon fans a number of years back...we ended up with a gorgeous 6-DVD collection of fan-compiled tv appearances, never officially released videos, out-of-print concert vhs shows, interviews, plus a few choice fan recordings. I've never seen anything move lovingly pulled together and shared freely in a music fandom before nor since...)
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Postby Philip on 23 Sep 2006 20:49

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Postby tigress on 23 Sep 2006 21:10

It looked like most of the people in the audience were just sitting there not moving. What was their problem?

Question - was Stewart playing the bass drum, too? I don't know anything about drumming, but don't drummers usually have to use their foot to play the bass drum? If so, are they able to do that while standing? It seems like that would be pretty difficult. But since I'm not a drummer, what do I know?

Anyway, since I'm at the library, I couldn't listen to the sound. I could only watch the video. But, it was fun anyway. They all looked so cute.
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 24 Sep 2006 00:31

They were lip synching to the recorded song.

(How do I know this? Because I'm a giant nerd who has all of 'em memorized ;) can kind of tell by the production, and also if there are any weird timing moments or breath intakes or whatever.
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Postby georgygirl on 24 Sep 2006 05:58

For me is easy Divemistress.

:idea: I think green color identifies KK, isn't he from the green Planet of Kryptone :?:
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