"Everyone Stares" review... on Sting's website

"Everyone Stares" review... on Sting's website

Postby olivier on 30 Aug 2006 21:06

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Postby tigress on 31 Aug 2006 00:58

I don't know why people are getting so disappointed with how this movie was put together. I'll just be grateful to get a glimpse of the guys as themselves and not just in their stage personas.
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Postby sockii on 31 Aug 2006 01:06

Commentary track by Stew & Andy?! YES!!! I can't wait to hear that.

As for the rest of that review...whatever. I've enjoyed the film more each time I've seen it.
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Postby conroy on 31 Aug 2006 01:31

The criticism about the video not showing events in chronological order seems contrived to me. Literature's best epics like the Illiad, the Aeneid, Paradise Lost, etc, always begin in media res. I have always been of the belief that it is far easier to write something negative than it is to write a positive review and this is a perfect example of that type of review which is overly critical, to the point of finding what they say are faults when others like myself will disagree. Stewart has always maintained these were home movies, not some slick Hollywood production. I agree with Nicole, I think it is great we are getting this brief glimpse behind the scenes since the only memories on which the media seem to fixate are the exaggerated stories of the behind-the-scenes conflicts.
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Postby Kim on 31 Aug 2006 04:47

$9.99? Holy crap, that's a bargain.

I'm really surprised at Dave and Wendy. I would never have guessed they wouldn't like it. It's a home movie people! Get over it! It's an incredible glimpse inside the bubble. I think the chronology thing is over-rated. Only hard core fans will know the difference, and while we might notice it, I don't think it takes anything from the experience of the film. They complained that we've seen some of this footage before - yes, but not from the view of the Golden Goose! I thought that was the coolest part of the film - to see those clips and photo shoots from Stewart's vantage point.

Well, they are entitled to their opinion I guess.
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Postby olivier on 31 Aug 2006 14:11

As sockii said about that review, whatever !
Whatever they say about the raw way the movie was filmed ! hey, it's just a Super 8 film !! and I guess it's The Police in his true life, with no scenarii and actors direction.
The simple fact of seeing The Police by the eyes of Stewart, and moreover in footages we've NEVER seen before, makes me very happy... and eager !
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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 31 Aug 2006 18:13

Is it weird that I'm a little disapointed that it's set at $9.99? I was planning on paying $25.

Not that I'm complaining, but it's certainly worth more then ten bucks.

If I re-order, will I recieve it the day it's released?
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Postby copelandos_damour on 31 Aug 2006 19:02

I loved the movie; What's not to love about it? It's personal, interesting and fun. Most critics get a kick out of writing these kind of reviews, just ignore them.
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Postby giovanni on 31 Aug 2006 20:28

Well, I don't feel like it's a negative review the one written on Sting.com by D&W; I would say it's very personal and they give their personal views and reasons about what they expected and what they got; they mainly refers negative attitude toward the first version of the movie, and sincerely I can tell that watching both it's plain to see that Stewart gave a more professional touch to the final version; of course we would love both (the first one is more a home movie).

But what can I say, it's the best ever Police on video we can have ... I think there are no other documentaries, special, live, reports or whatever else that can be better than this...
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Re: review

Postby olivier on 31 Aug 2006 21:57

[quote="giovanni"]But what can I say, it's the best ever Police on video we can have ... I think there are no other documentaries, special, live, reports or whatever else that can be better than this...[/quote]

As being a Police video collector, I totally agree with you Gio !
Let's just hope there will be a DVD release of "Around The World" with "Police In The East" as bonus material !
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Postby tigress on 01 Sep 2006 00:18

I watched a documentary about the Beatles and they said the critics hated a movie they did that was more behind-the-scenes because they thought it was boring and not artsy enough or whatever. (I can't remember the name of it.) But those are often the best kinds of movies because you get to see the musicians as themselves and hear all their jokes and silly conversations and stuff you'd never know about them otherwise. It's the next best thing to actually being on the road with them yourself!
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Postby Kim on 01 Sep 2006 03:07

They are not critics - they are Dave and Wendy, the rabid Police fans who have been running Sting's fan club for years. Critics can go screw. I'm still surprised that these two fans didn't like it. It would be like Gio or Craig saying they didn't like it! Wouldn't that surprise you?
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Postby georgygirl on 01 Sep 2006 03:54

I didn't see the movie yet, but if Sundance judges call it to the festival this year, is enough for me to consider it as a good film before I see it.


Many times critics dissapointed the audience, and the films are real good.

For me the main attraction to see and keep this film, is because is from my favorite band (The Police), from the I of my Super Music Man (Stewart Copeland/Klark Kent/Kinetic Kid) :!:
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Postby Dietmar on 01 Sep 2006 04:53

The review on www.sting.com is a good one!
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Postby Lady P on 01 Sep 2006 12:32

I agree with you, Dietmar. It is simply objective.
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