Here's how to get this to work:
1.) Right click the link Gio posted. Select "download linked file" from the menu that pops up.
2.) Download the file to your computer. Remember what it's called and where you saved it.
3.) Open the file using Quicktime or ITunes. It's in MP4 format, which may work in some other programs also.
I got errors from the streaming also, but things worked fine once the file was saved to my computer.
It's a scream! Stewart was in a great mood this night! He describes the effects of fame on one's life...tells the story of the famous obscenity written on the drum kit...describes his work in films...We are lucky to all be fans of someone smart, funny, and even humble, considering his achievements.
Jean aka the Divemistress
p.s. everyone keep trying...if you still can't get it to work, I may manage to mail out a few more DVDs.
It's a REALLY good interview, and worth going to some trouble to see. Thanks Gio!