The FLAG of Copelandia Anthem - a BongoBoy song.

Postby samburusunset on 22 Sep 2007 05:35

All Hail.....

Amsterdam, September 14, 2007
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Postby English-lion on 22 Sep 2007 05:40

8) 8) kool pic 8) 8)
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Postby policerule on 22 Sep 2007 13:38

i was actually singing that chorus in the shower this morning while i'm getting ready to meet samburu in MD.... that thing IS catchy!
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Postby samburusunset on 22 Sep 2007 14:40

[quote="sockii"]That ROCKS, Bongo Boy!

You win the internet today!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, and we SO need to start singing this on CHA-lloween![/quote]

Oh yeah! As if MSG won't think we're crazy enough wearing costumes, we'll be rocking to our own (well, Bongo's) Kalypso beat.

I love you people :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby DirtyMartini on 22 Sep 2007 15:14

[quote="samburusunset"]All Hail.....

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Postby littledidsheknow on 23 Sep 2007 02:54

So clever and kind....its really cool to see creativity at work in such a positive way-

The fact that this flag is being sent successfully to all of these venues is really amazing- and should go down in the history books.... in the...

"Encyclopedia Copelandia!" or

"Copelandia Britannica?" ahhh...

By the way: I saw that Sting has his book of "Lyrics" coming out...

I just want it to be known: Stewart if you are reading these...Your writing is so colorful and entertaining...a book of your OUTLANDISH experiences would be well-received, I believe.

Also: One more thing: How about a LIVE album from the Reunion Tour? It would better than the Bee Gees! Better than Neil Diamond LIVE! Better than,...I could keep going, but you get my drift.
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Postby DirtyMartini on 23 Sep 2007 04:50

The fact that this flag is being sent successfully to all of these venues is really amazing- and should go down in the history books.... in the...

"Encyclopedia Copelandia!" or

"Copelandia Britannica?" ahhh...

HA! I love Encyclopedia Copelandia especially.
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Postby BongoBoy on 23 Sep 2007 15:15

What could be better than imagining you guys sittin around in Halloween costumes...singin "Flag o Copelandia" heh,heh. Awesome.

If anyone dresses up like a giant Octoban....please help them if they tip over. (it's like a long tube Eh?).

and don't drum on their head.

You guys rule !

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Postby georgygirl on 23 Sep 2007 18:46

Keep On Trucking on Rocking Bongo Boy!

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Postby Rhianntp on 25 Sep 2007 16:58

wow! awesome work :) good little tune there ... that would be funny if during encore or something or at a sound check if they guys would bust into a bit of that 8)
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 25 Sep 2007 17:01

Oh man! I would pay serious money to see a fan dressed as an octoban. Or a drumstick, for that matter.

(Here again, I'm thinking of Big Lebowski...every year some guys up in Louisville host a Lebowski Fest, and people show up dressed in costumes from the film. One year a guy came as the Creedence tape...I have a photo of it somewhere...)

There's a better one than this, but you get the idea...
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Postby BongoBoy on 25 Sep 2007 18:57

Thats so old school...a cassette.

Now it will be more difficult dressing as a CD or really, a huge MP3 player!

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Postby samburusunset on 25 Sep 2007 19:47

a cass...what???? :wink:
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Postby kimmy on 25 Sep 2007 19:54

Hey BongoBoy!!

I'm sorry, I've only just listened to your song!!

For 2 reasons....

1 my hubby goes on and on and on.....

2 I couldn't load it for some reson...

However maybe because we are flag passing, or I changed some settings I dunno but I just heard it.......

WOW!!!! That is catchy!

That is great! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!


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Postby BongoBoy on 25 Sep 2007 20:23

Thanks a lot !

I really can't express how satisfying it is to have my Copelandia friends listening to a simple rough tune I slapped down.

and on top of that people seem to be kinda diggin it....I wish I had my darn album ready while everyone is listening.

Thanks again.

NEW tunes of mine coming soon !!!

See ya in NOV !!!!

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