Postby iain28 on 09 Sep 2007 11:00

Hi All .... well knack today but still cant belive it WOW .... so me and Ali g wont be at the patch untill 5ish .........!!!!!!!!!!!! yo laters 8)
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Postby smudge on 09 Sep 2007 11:06


If I dont see any of you before, will you be meeting up afterwards to say goodbyes?? Gotta sign that flag the mighty SC!![/quote]

I'm sorry Franco but I have to pass the flag to Dietmar in the stadium right after the show because he has to high tail it out of there - so we will probably meet up after, but the flag will have departed. So please, please, try and get to the pub!
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Postby Franco on 09 Sep 2007 13:04

Will do. Leaving any moment soon!!!
I've cracked enough jokes and I've smoked enough smokes...........
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Postby empty on 09 Sep 2007 17:10

Have a blast tonight all!More pictures!!!

Mister Gradenko, you should SO get your arse to the pub and get samburu sunset's extra ticket!!!
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Postby Mister Gradenko on 11 Sep 2007 18:16

Too late my friend.. too late!

I spent Sunday wandering around London humming and drumming backbeats to myself on every tabletop I could find.

Still I got Wembley tickets to make up for it!
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