Postby TheEqualizer on 18 Aug 2007 06:03

Actually, the wait for passports is currently MONTHS. My brother works for the Justice Dept and applied for passports for his kids four months before their trip overseas. Their passports did not arrive on time despite getting an expedite on them a month before and involvement with a senator's office. So he had to go to the embassy (was that where he went) and flanagled a temp passport less than 24 hrs before the flight.
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Postby Mrs. Gradenko on 18 Aug 2007 08:52

2. People who go up to a cashier to buy something while still talking on their cell phone [/quote]

People who come up asking for help then hold up a finger telling me to wait... and keep jabbering away.

[quote]I find the best way to piss someone off if they are been really nasty is be ever so sweet niceness will always beat nastiness they hate it [/quote]

That pisses them off so bad, a friend of mine had a customer go to a manager about it trying to get her in trouble, all he got was, "I can't write her up for being nice."
Last edited by Mrs. Gradenko on 18 Aug 2007 21:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby visions on 18 Aug 2007 12:00

That is so spot on Mrs.G

that is my point if you are doing the right thing all the time how can you get in trouble

I also see Bella's point

you go to a shop and expect certain behaviour

I know how much that has changed

we as check out chicks had a ball and the customers were always involved

it is not there any more

i still have people come up to me twenty years later I know you you from coles we had a connection and that is what customer service is all about and still have that from the other end but no one should feel that they are a pain to be served and i feel that what Bella is talking about and I agree with that

no matter where you work you have a job to do

as i said before it is about respect and treating other people how you would like to be treated and i know that doesn't happen all the time but mostly it does

I see that here all the time that's why i love been here with you guys.

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Postby conroy on 18 Aug 2007 12:44

[quote="TheEqualizer"]Actually, the wait for passports is currently MONTHS. My brother works for the Justice Dept and applied for passports for his kids four months before their trip overseas. Their passports did not arrive on time despite getting an expedite on them a month before and involvement with a senator's office. So he had to go to the embassy (was that where he went) and flanagled a temp passport less than 24 hrs before the flight.[/quote]

My passport was due to expire this year and this is exactly why I renewed it about a year before that; because I knew a lot of people, especially fellow Americans, would procrastinate and knew there would be the crisis that is currently the passport backlog that would screw over other people who gave themselves ample time.
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