Time to think...hmmm.....Stingo can't find the love.
Very cool you guys...I still think someone should write something on SALLY, I can't believe this.
BongoXratedSCnutters O ![/quote]
bongo, if sting would just embrace the CHA he would get the love... am i right? the man has to lighten up and get a sense of humor! have some fun! maybe that's not fun to him i guess and that's his choice, but he can't be upset that others have that capability.
meg, that second doll IS scary, but at least she would sit in her chair when we aren't using her
the second one is the way to go i think... we will definitely have her taken away if we use the second one!
donna, what is the first rule??????? BREATHE! slooooow down girl. we need to savor this year!
i love this place.... ps... i think my husband is softening up - good news!