by GinaSuperCat on 23 Jul 2007 22:37
None of those are being played currently although many were rehearsed before the whole tour began to 'get back into the groove'
Most want to hear currently: BOTN, One World, Secret Journey, and Darkness! It's tough to make a set list that keeps the energy from bonking out at any point so I don't envy the task but any of those...actually, any one different song at all would be great. I must be the only person I know, however, that loves Tea but would probably rather hear something else in its place live...depends on what they do with it, I suppose...I didn't really care for KOP & Footsteps all that super-wildly before the Stewart Kid In a Candy Persussion Show, so who knows?
Really, even one different song, no matter what, (preferably added rather than taking anything else out) would make me go nuts!