[quote="Lynne"]Hey, it's not the first time that I've been party to a Multiple Outing ... and one of those times it was actually a sex change (!), although I wasn't a *direct* party to the tranasaction, so to speak. My husband is grateful for that
. I hope it all works out; if there's one thing I've come back to again and again as I've gotten older, it's how important it is to be true to yourself and honest about who you are if you really want to be content.
Actually, to Hannah's point (and continuing the gay theme), a big chunk of me culturally is British, and it's fun to see how well I can "pass" when there ... especially given that I'm a kinda energetic and goofy American (gee, ya think that might be why Stewart resonates with me?). You might be surprised at how culturally fluid you might find yourself in the US, especially outside of New York. Sheesh, I've even learned how to be rude on the Tube in British!
I have a very good British (Mancunian) friend who claims that the combination of pop music, Harry Potter, Dr. Who, and the global popularity of English Premiere League football is the Next Coming of the British Empire. If that's so, then I'm more British than I care to admit![/quote]
It's a sneaky back door invasion
And the real key to britishness is the insults and swearing. And being very sarcastic and rude. And having crooked teeth