[quote="mtobinjones"]I don't agree or support our current President.
I wouldn't say f*ck the pres though- and I do support the efforts the troops make.Whether I agree with why they are there or not, their lives are on the line and they are doing the job they were sent for.
I do understand the non-Americans viewpoint- having lived overseas a lot this past 7 years, it has definitely not been some of our proudest moments. And I do prety much blame that on Bush- basically, most/many get painted with one brush for being American. It doesn't matter is many think our troops should come home now.
I think all the members here are creative, passionate and intelligent people- and I respect all of their opinions, and am sure they have come up with them after careful consideration.
This is the kind of comment I can live with it. It's the over passionate, flying off the handle stuff I get upset with. I do take more offense when it's from overseas than here because when a tradgedy strikes in a foreign land, theU.S. are usually first to offer help then people have the gaul to insult the President. No overseas help comes with out his approval. Please understand what bothers me is not the insults and hatred directed at Bush but I take it as an insult to the office of the President. I just never seem to see Americans on these forums taking shots at leaders of other great nations. I would feel very uneasy taking shots at Tony Blair or other leaders.
Oh, except daweasel of course....