by michelle on 22 Jun 2007 20:51
I've got three making me very gray these days... 2 boys and a girl, 15, 13 & soon to be 9. My 8 year old daughter (afer seeing the Police coverage in Feb) commented "Mommy, I didn't know Sting was in the Police". She has listened to the Police for years, and knew I went to Sting concerts, but never reliazed that it's the same voice? I don't think she listens to sting stuff, so maybe I can understand a bit, but jeesh, she DOES live here...
I think I'm more excited to be introducing them to my childhood addiction more than seeing them again. The boys are right there at the age I was when the madness began. Sad thing is, this will be it for them. Hello and goodbye... at least maybe they'll understand where all of mommy's mad money goes!
Oh, we have two cats. Emily (the mom) and Joe. She was a pregnant stray. I tried to change the 'ho's name to Roxanne, but certain family members wouldn't hear of it.