After This tour has concluded...

After This tour has concluded...

Postby BOB GRECO on 19 Jun 2007 03:22

I would luv 2 see Stewart and Andy jam with another singer. The Police R a Lamborghini driving in first gear. Sting has stifled this great band. Andy And Stew r ready 2 take off but Sting is slamming the brakes. It's so frustrating because u know whats under the hood ie (Stew and Andy) but they don't get a chance to rev it up.

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Postby English-lion on 19 Jun 2007 03:51

Oh oh oh my arms reached up in the air Phaty can I can I? I know I can't dish it out as good as you but I love to give it a go.

Many miles away something crawls from the slime
At the bottom of a dark Scottish lake.

So I know this is your first post and all but it looks like your from the Loch Ness Lake.
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Postby phaty on 19 Jun 2007 06:00

I never thought the Police could attract as many lunatics as the Vegan movement - but obviously they can!
I have an even better idea - does Andy have a son, or at least a nephew? Copeland jr., Summers jr and Stingo jr. form "The New Police" and they get a coaching by Puff Daddy - or how ever he is called at the moment - and we will see them on MTV trying to sell overpriced tickets for their stadium tour - through Taiwan - and you will hear Miles Copeland in the background going "To me this sounds WRONG" all the time ... !

Actually I kind of like the idea ...

I think The Police doesn't need a news singer - they need a few new fans

... maaaaaaaaaany miiiiiiiiiiiiiiels awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Postby georgygirl on 19 Jun 2007 06:34

Nahhhhhhhhh, to me The Police is Stewart, Andy and Sting, no one else, no anybody else...

My lovely trio, ahhhh!

Wildy Pelous!
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Postby policerule on 19 Jun 2007 11:51

well said english & phaty
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Re: After This tour has concluded...

Postby sockii on 19 Jun 2007 12:17


Netspeak is annoying.
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Postby Philip on 19 Jun 2007 12:31

I have another proposal :



And reading other peoples reaction, i must say : i’m with you BOB GRECO.I’m open to any kind of new project by this top musicians.

Do you know the Project you are talking about WAS SUPPOSED TO TAKE PLACE beginning of 2007? It was supposed to be with:

- Andy
- Stewart
- Armand Sabal lecco from Gizmo (see other section of this site to see his cv)

SO there is a big chance to see it happen.

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Postby English-lion on 20 Jun 2007 02:48

Is this what your talking about? ... cd=6&gl=ca

Quote Giovanni Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:04 pm Post subject: too many talks


Rumours of Andy getting on board to play with Stewart and Armand have been around for some time for the Gizmo project.
Now, I don't sincerely know about this new project, but if it happens it would be great.
I wouldn't expect Police songs, but original stuff, that would be amazing.
Ciao ciao

:idea: You're sounding like a reporter :!:
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 20 Jun 2007 03:09

I'll be first in line to buy tix if Stewart gets around to playing the U.S. with Gizmo, Andy or no Andy. That Notte della Taranta stuff is incredible.
On Google - "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!
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Postby BOB GRECO on 20 Jun 2007 03:27

[quote="Divemistress of the Dark"]I'll be first in line to buy tix if Stewart gets around to playing the U.S. with Gizmo, Andy or no Andy. That Notte della Taranta stuff is incredible.[/quote]

I'm right behind you friend. I have nothing againt The Police however I don't like the new arrangements. Some do some don't it's just one persons opinion. Also Sting's arrogance is a bit much for me.

I'm a Stewart Copeland fan! He's the master of the hi-hat. I think under the right circumstance you will really be able to see the beauty and grace of one of the world's best drummers.

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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 20 Jun 2007 03:49

Stewart could play plastic buckets, like he does on one of the YouTube videos, and I'd be happy to get to see it. Honestly? I really kind of dig the new arrangements. There are minor things I'm a bit...what's the word? wistful about, such as no hope of hearing a few of my more favorite Police songs...but the tour is what it is, and I'm happy to get to go to a few shows. There's always next year for more experimental stuff, maybe with Oysterhead or Gizmo.
On Google - "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!
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Postby conroy on 20 Jun 2007 09:52

I'd also love to see Stewart do a US tour with Gizmo after the tour and maybe a symphonic full orchestra performance of his brilliant Spyro work with Stewart having a percussion setup like what he's using on the current tour. [/i]
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Postby Hannaha on 20 Jun 2007 09:58

LOVE the idea or orchestral Spyro stuff conroy. Good call.
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Postby Johnny O on 20 Jun 2007 11:18

We've painfully waited over twenty plus years for our favorite band to get back together, and there are 'fans' who wish they would go their seperate ways????

To those 'fans', what color is the sky in your world?

Talk like this is truly sad...

I hope the band doesn't read crap like this.
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Postby BOB GRECO on 20 Jun 2007 11:56

[quote="Johnny O"]We've painfully waited over twenty plus years for our favorite band to get back together, and there are 'fans' who wish they would go their seperate ways????

To those 'fans', what color is the sky in your world?

Talk like this is truly sad...

I hope the band doesn't read crap like this.[/quote]

Do you know how to read? We said after this tour. You will get your chance to see The Police but afterwards it would be great to see Stew jam with Gizmo.

By the way Skippy, why don't you ask Sting why you had to wait 23 years. Andy and Stew have been ready to tour since 1986.

Thought Skippy?
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