[quote]"if it ain't broke, why fix it?" [/quote]
Exactly! Just like Punk music man. I mean what is wrong with good old balls to the wall three chord PUNK? Why the hell would anybody start playing reggae and tango crap all over it...and trying to make it all artsy and stuff with sophisticated melodies and sh*t?
"if it ain't broke, why fix it?"
Ok, seriously, I think you need to cut the people who "actually make the music that goes on to become classic" a bit of a break. I don't always like everything Sting does, but you can't box that kind of a creative person in by telling them they can't change one of their own creations! That is partly what led to them breaking up in the first place.
If you listen to the fan club show a few times, you will see that there is some really excellent music going on in those new arrangements. There are a ton of great ideas that could lead to a new direction for some new material. But if (for whatever reason) no new songs are written, then I would love to at least hear a good studio version of these arrangements.
The sooner people start to realize that the "angry young Sting" isn't coming back, the sooner they will be able to appreciate what he's doing "TODAY" with The Police. Personally, I could do without some of the overly Sting influenced stuff, but it still sounds a hell of a lot better when he does what he does... in The Police...rather than solo. And even Stingified Police is infinitely better than what is on the radio today.
Not every reworked song hits the mark, but there is some VERY cool stuff going on in quite a few of them.