Stewart on The Police VIRTUAL TICKET section

Stewart on The Police VIRTUAL TICKET section

Postby giovanni on 11 Jun 2007 21:10

Hey, did you see the wonderful footage at There's a new virtual tickets section and they uploaded a great video of Stewart talking about his drumset and various cymbals he plays on tour. it me, my computer .... or... Stewart got a GREEN FACE on a few moments???

Hmmm a green does it sounds to you?
Can you see the same?

Beyond that, I love those few minutes as I love to see Stewart 'dealing' with his drumset!

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Postby howardhughes on 11 Jun 2007 22:05

that is so cool....mmmmm drums...mmmm percussion rig.

is it stewart ...or is it the dawn of the incredible copeland hulk ??

he is indeed turning green.

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Postby GinaSuperCat on 11 Jun 2007 22:20 cool is that...heh, 'its almost like music'...I love his I-don't-really-care-what-this-is-called-but-it-sounds-cool-when-I-hit-it kinda vibe...hahaha
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Postby copelandos_damour on 11 Jun 2007 22:49

That video was awesome. I love the stuff they're putting up there.
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Postby sockii on 11 Jun 2007 23:53

Definitely the best video they've had up yet!
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Postby mudspoke on 12 Jun 2007 01:00

Yes, that video is so cool because it shows Stewart being Stewart. I love the line, "I should have played piccolo." Hilarious.

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Postby Three over Four on 12 Jun 2007 01:36

Good stuff. The DVD will be a thing of beauty when it finally arrives! Also 'Around the World', but if I keep mentioning that I'll start to sound like my brothers Synchronicity LP.
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 12 Jun 2007 02:05

Stewart spinning the small disc at the end! My God, he is such a geek! Which is why we love him so...

Anyone have any idea where this was shot? Maybe at Stingworld?
On Google - "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!
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Postby Laz on 12 Jun 2007 02:12

I'm thinking it was shot in Italy at Sting's place where they were rehearsing. (birds singing Sting songs... sun shining Sting rays etc...)


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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 12 Jun 2007 02:13

I did notice the framed pics of Sting all over the wall behind him at one point. But what a PITA...having to haul all his drum gear to Europe and back...
On Google - "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!
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Postby samburusunset on 12 Jun 2007 21:42

What a goofball!! That's part of why we love him so much. He's
this ridiculously, obscenely talented guy and he's like, "Come look
at all this cool stuff I have in my toy box!"

I looooove the disk that goes "tiiiing"! You can't keep your eyes off him when he's playing that stuff during the show and that disk spinning around was mesmerizing.

Really loved his rendition of KOP! :lol:
Stewart and Stanley together again!! YO!
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