Even though it pisses me off sometimes, I have to give Sting credit for being "true" to himself. He always does what feels right to him at the time, and I think that is what makes a truly great and honest "artist".
He's not the angry young man he used to be, and I think that even if they played the songs faster and and more furiously, that "rebellious" attitude would still be missing.
I don't think Sting wants to pretend it is 1979 anymore, and you just can't fake that youthful energy at 54. They seem to be picking up steam nicely though, and sound like they are finding the right balance. I'll be happy with the final result no matter what.
I just want to know what "We'll see you again" again is all about. Sting ended with that in both Edmonton and Seattle. It would be cruel to tease us like that if there wasn't something more to come!