Postby Midori on 04 Jun 2007 15:44

Hi Stewart!

Today I got a news to worry about-some Japanese POLICE fan, seeing all the three gigs in Vancouver, posted to a POLICE fan site in Japan, that it looked like you've lost your smile on your face since the 3rd concert.

Maybe we are too anxious about you ,since a great distance between Japan and North America should bring us that kind of feeling, I guess.
You'll laugh at me if you see this post of mine and I hope so.

Surely only two Japanese fans on this site (Uccellina and me), but tons of fans-beyond your imagination- have been thinking about you and your mates everyday, searching videos on You Tube, buying magazine, CD, everything, making blogs and so on, like teenager.

Now I am deeply grateful to you once again-Thank you for coming back.


PS: Live earth from NY will be broadcast on Japan!. Can't wait!!
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Postby Midori on 04 Jun 2007 15:46

Hi Stewart!

Today I got a news to worry about-some Japanese POLICE fan, seeing all the three gigs in Vancouver, posted to a POLICE fan site in Japan, that it looked like you've lost your smile on your face since the 3rd concert.

Maybe we are too anxious about you ,since a great distance between Japan and North America should bring us that kind of feeling, I guess.
You'll laugh at me if you see this post of mine and I hope so.

Surely only two Japanese fans on this site (Uccellina and me), but tons of fans-beyond your imagination- have been thinking about you and your mates everyday,
searching videos on You Tube,
buying magazine, CD, everything,
making blogs and so on ,
like teenager.

Now I am deeply grateful to you once again-Thank you for coming back.


PS: Live earth from NY will be broadcast on Japan!. Can't wait!!
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Postby racerxjj67 on 04 Jun 2007 16:24

The key item I keep telling my friends and wife, when we see them July 17, are to watch closely what Stew does because despite what they do to the songs, you are getting a once in a lifetime opportunity to watch the greatest rock drummer of all time live.

Keep it up Stew and put some life back into the songs for Christ sake.
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Postby English-lion on 05 Jun 2007 22:19

May I suggest that you come back to B.C. and give those poor bastards a repeat show at the end of your tour, but in Victoria, the capital of B.C.!! (said with a Cheshire grin and innocent eyes looking to the side)

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Postby DirtyMartini on 05 Jun 2007 22:24

Dramatic highlights & a unique musical cosmos. Guaranteed.
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Postby Kim on 06 Jun 2007 02:07

How can you tell how many hits the thread has?

All I know is that even Rolling Stone picked up the story and blew it out of proportion. I guess they don't understand Stewart's sense of humor like we do. Or they are just looking for a story and had to make one out of nothing.

Nice comments Sockii and Dive, on the RS site. :wink:
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 06 Jun 2007 03:14

If you go back one level and look at the index of threads in the Krypton forum you'll see a column towards the right side that indicates "views" and that tells you how many times the thread has been opened...
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Postby georgygirl on 06 Jun 2007 05:51

Yeah, I noticed that Gina. And that was happening in just a few days.

If Stingo knows about this phenomenon, maybe he also will want to write in and on his forum...

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The infamous Blog post

Postby Jennythenipper on 06 Jun 2007 22:10

"Andy is in Idaho."

ROFL! I heart you Stewart, I heart you.
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Postby Mista John on 07 Jun 2007 00:16

Okay, since I began playing way back when, me and all my drummer friends have figured out why we liked your playing...

It's about your sense of humor!

Music is fun, and we all have that passion for it (well most of us), but to be able to laugh at oneself under "first gig conditions" such as those -just simply GREAT!

The funny thing was, my band had it's 1st gig on 5.29 - we're all really great at what we do, but tht didn't stop "the disaster."

I'm one of the two drummers, and on our 1st song, I couldn't hear the guitar lead (sound familiar). This led to a complete meltdown which was nothing but laughable!

And then the monitors were so far off that we all felt like pilots flying through the Bermuda Triangle.

Now, since we've been at this music thing for a while, we knew that as long as we had fun, that was most important. I wrote an email to the band saying how I wasn't pissed, just amused...and then I saw the story of your bloggin on Yahoo News! I immediately sent it out to my bandmates! It brought endless smiles.

So thanks for having a sense of humor about this music thing. At a certain point you realize that being too serious about it is absolutley no fun.

And lastly, back in 1998, when you won an award from the Hollywood Film Festival, I called you from the awards publication (seeking to speak with your assistant). However you answered the phone. I have to admit being nervous, as your style of playing has helped me find my own niche (thanks), you've been an inspiration on many levels (how hard can a guy hit that snare?) - Anyway, we were talking about Euro Festivals (I just did Parkpop) and you offered your advice about being a drummer in a band:

"Keep your singer in line!" those were your words! I've since told that story to almost every musician I know (cuz it's true, those singers are usually bonkers).

Again, it's the sense of humor. Have a great tour, and if I can catch someone moving slowly in the parking lot at Dodger stadium (and I have my baseball bat) maybe I can still get in to see the show!

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Postby cpriddims on 07 Jun 2007 00:52


I had the same surprise on the phone when expecting to talk to an assistant but got Stew instead!

Just goes to show you, he stays in touch with reality and people, just like on this forum! :D
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Postby Kim on 07 Jun 2007 03:29

Here's some good news - Pollstar got it right!

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Postby blueseattle on 07 Jun 2007 12:45

I think it's great that Stewart does these posts. Everytime I read them, I hear Stewart's voice/narration from Everyone Stares. Haha.
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Postby Three over Four on 07 Jun 2007 22:01

Absolutely HILARIOUS post Stewart, thank you for that....and now that Paris Hilton is out of the county slammer and under house arrest, the press can go back to doing what they do best!
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 07 Jun 2007 22:28

Hmm. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go bananas seeing Stewart play with The Police, since I'm so used to hanging on every word he puts in here and in interviews.

It's always nice to see he's not just a figment of our collective fevered imaginations. ;)
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