Stewart: A Few (humble) Suggestions

Postby racerxjj67 on 04 Jun 2007 17:58

makes me feel a little better. Maybe he'll wisen up by the time he comes to Detroit. I'll warn my friends ahead of time.
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Postby Philip on 04 Jun 2007 18:09

Dear Stewart,
Regarding the points Wait-and-see mentions:

1. I completely disagree with the idea to go closer to the recorded version. I would prefer to have even a lot more changes to each song, so that they are more different!! Wait and See, you are wrong on this point.
Concerning Bring On The Night, yes it should be added

2. 3. & 4. I disagree completely. You play very good

5. Yes, definitively, you should boost a little bite.
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Postby Wait and See on 04 Jun 2007 18:26

I'd have a harder time living with myself if I was a butt-kisser.

It's entirely possible they could change the songs in question in some other way that would be good. It's just a lot easier for them to play it more like the original if they make a change, given the time constraints they have in terms of rehearsal from show to show.
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Postby Philip on 05 Jun 2007 08:46

Wait and See, I understand now what you mean.
But, in an order of preference I will aspect:

1) Do it different in a good way
2) Do it different, even if it's not so good
3) In the worse case: do it as in the past

From here, France, It's quite strange, because, I feel like the Police of 1977 was European, and the Police of 2007 is American ?!?!! I mean, Today, in France, a lot of bands of the 80's and rock/punk sound of the 70's is really "à la mode". So In a way, you are right : If they play it the same way as 25 years a go, it will be MODERN ?!? because in.
That's why what can appears to be really cool one side of the Atlantic, can be seen as very old fashion on the other side.
I know what I wrote is not really clear, sorry... thanks for reading.

More: When The Police arrived, it was said that The big Stadium concert where out (Led Zep, for instance). Now they are at the place of Led Zep:

Police 1977 = the Beatles of the 80’s

Police 2007 = Led Zeppelin of the 2000’s

Police 1977 = pretended to be punk vs Police 2007 = pretend to be rock

You will all want to fire me, but I’m sure all this can change if Stewart gets more influence in the leadership of the Trio. Stewart can make it wilder, refreshing, inspired. Stewart!
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Postby DirtyMartini on 05 Jun 2007 15:00

And eat your vegetables.

And call your wife, kids, and mom.

And be nice about Stingo's hair.

And bang your gong.

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Postby GinaSuperCat on 05 Jun 2007 15:54

I do think you offer your suggestions in a constructive and respectful manner and I think you raise some issues that are key to many responses trickling in from the shows...

However, I don't think you have to provide suggestions or be critical of what they are doing just to avoid being a 'butt kisser'...and don't fool yourself with an "objective ear" one here has one <grin>

Furthermore, I don't think it's sycophantic to let them work out among themselves how they can best negotiate the Police 2007 sound...I am going to a crap-ton of shows to see Stewart play drums in his that way, I have little pre-conceived expectations (like I expect a Regatta sound) that guide my experience of seeing them live...if you go to see Stewart play his ass off, then you won't be disappointed because that he will do, guaranteed <grin>

A lot of people actually like their new sound, A LOT: Their reworkings are actually transforming some songs I didn't really ever go crazy about in the first place into ones that really, really, f'in groove...especially the ones that call for a Stewart-Percussion-Show...I think it's far more exciting to see that they are actually trying to make it new, trying to work together on songs that in the past they didn't really work together all that much on, the new collaboration is the most exciting part...they are not their own tribute band, trying to act like they are 24 (something that really would make the difference between then and now painfully obvious rather than trying to be who they are now, musically)...

Give it some time to let the sound full hash itself out, there are some rough edges perhaps...For example De Do Do Do didn't do it for me in Vancouver but (as far as I can tell from the Edmonton clips on Youtube, as limited as that can tell one anything) I think it's taking its form over time and I really like where it's going...As Stewart said in the Edmonton Sun, I think we can expect some changes and evolutions along the way...I plan to see these first hand <grin>

And although the videos on Youtube are indications of what is actually happening on stage...I think you definitely must see them live before having any definitive take on the tour, it's sound, and their approach since its a completely different experience in it's live,, for example, when the kick drum is pulsing up through the floor into your body through your feet, making them tingle...The excitement of seeing the three of them on the stage, surely, has its own emotional force, hearing Sting sing "Welcome to the Stewart Copeland Show," hearing fans screaming, having Stings bass lines pump through your body...the imrprovisational moments where you feel like anything can happen...if these are subjective (as surely they are) and cloud my 'judgment' then I admit it gladly and add that perhaps objectivity misses some of the point <grin>

I have now seen them twice and I still don't think I'm prepared to have any take yet, really, I need to "investigate" further <grin>

I can't wait for Bonnaroo, however, and see what Stewart talked the other lads into doing <wink>
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Postby DirtyMartini on 05 Jun 2007 16:05

[quote="GinaSuperCat"]I do think you offer your suggestions in a constructive and respectful manner and I think you raise some issues that are key to many responses trickling in from the shows...[/quote]


[quote="GinaSuperCat"]However, I don't think you have to provide suggestions or be critical of what they are doing just to avoid being a 'butt kisser'...and don't fool yourself with an "objective ear" one here has one <grin> [/quote]


[quote="GinaSuperCat"]A lot of people actually like their new sound, A LOT: Their reworkings are actually transforming some songs I didn't really ever go crazy about in the first place into ones that really, really, f'in groove[/quote]


[quote="GinaSuperCat"]...especially the ones that call for a Stewart-Percussion-Show...[/quote]


[quote="GinaSuperCat"]I think it's far more exciting to see that they are actually trying to make it new, trying to work together [/quote]


[quote="GinaSuperCat"]they are not their own tribute band[/quote]

Yup and hallelujia. (*shiver*)

[quote="GinaSuperCat"]As Stewart said in the Edmonton Sun, I think we can expect some changes and evolutions along the way[/quote]

Yup. And that is so fucking cool.

[quote="GinaSuperCat"]I think you definitely must see them live before having any definitive take on the tour, it's sound, and their approach since its a completely different experience in it's live, viscerality[/quote]


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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 05 Jun 2007 16:12

Gina, are you sure you're not a professional critic? You've been corking off some good ones lately...Loved your essay on

I really am not qualified to expound, since I still - erk! ugh! - haven't listened to any tapes of the new stuff...but I think I pretty well agree with blueseattle, who said he'd love things as long as they were true to themselves.

The last thing they need to do is start overthinking everything, IMO.
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 05 Jun 2007 16:21

Laff, no I'll be heading to a lower circle of hell than 'professional critic'...a special reserved place for 'academic' awaits me...I would have made a kick ass rock star but for that talent thingy <grin>

To quote Arlo Guthrie "And they all moved away from me on the bench" <grin>
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 05 Jun 2007 16:28

Father rapers!! ;)
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 05 Jun 2007 16:32

"and creatin a nuissance...and they all came back, shook my hand, as we had a great time on the bench"

Don't get me started, I can do the whole damn thing <grin>
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Postby nancyrose on 05 Jun 2007 17:51

"Kid, have you rehabilitated yourself?"

Love this...a highlight of every Thanksgiving...baking pies and groovin' to Arlo!
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Postby secretjourneyranch on 05 Jun 2007 17:58

I think the new Truth is better than the old Truth

It finally has a haunting melody line instead of Sting fighting to get all the words in before SC breaks into the bridge and AS holding on for dear life...

This songs always had this potential.

DSSCTM is crap this time around. As bad as 86 and worse than solo Sting...drop it in favor of One World...
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 05 Jun 2007 18:03

And hey, upon a reread, I have to point this out:

[quote]Some fans here are turning a blind eye to the abortion performed on some of these songs, just because they feel obligated to praise everything they do. A true fan accepts some change[/quote]

Nobody here feels "obligated." None of us here praise "everything they do." And nobody gets to be the arbiter of who's a "true fan."

I'm down with whatever people think about the new arrangements, but bashing other users is not cool. Sorry you don't like some of the performances, but I think your language is both too strong and disrespectful, racer.

Back to Arlo: I had to recite the whole thing for a class I took once. Got an A+ on my rendition, IIRC...

[Edit: Another reread: "Crap"? Geez. Some of you folks register for a forum, paid for and run by an artist, and don't even rack up ten posts before you're letting it all hang out? You type to your mama with those fingers...?]
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Postby nancyrose on 05 Jun 2007 18:15

OMG, Divemistress...that's funny...I recited it for a Speech class (many years ago!!).
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