Stewarts comments main story on !

Postby rapa on 02 Jun 2007 09:03

I'd love to see the guys just take the piss out of this distorted media attention. Like Sting could introduce them at today's gig with 'We are the Police, and we're unbelievably lame!!' :lol:
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Postby sockii on 02 Jun 2007 10:35

Well, here at least is someone else who "gets it" and doesn't jump on the hype bandwagon:

* * *

Stew stirs the pot
Posted in Music by Scott Smith on June 1st, 2007

When I heard this morning that Police drummer Stewart Copeland posted a message on his site that slammed Sting (calling him a “petulant pansy”) and called their second Vancouver show “unbelievably lame,” I was both elated and worried.

I was elated because much of the Police mythos is about the fractious tension (in the latter days, at least) that caused both its greatest artistic achievements, and its spectacular implosion. So, to me, this news meant that the trio wasn’t just plodding i out, but was approaching this reunion with fire. Plus, as the piece I wrote last week illustrated, I love a good “Sting is a petulant pansy” story.

But I was also worried because this was a sign that the tour might end up suffering from a delayed form of Van Halen disease, and tank before it made it over the northern border of the United States.

As it turns out, there’s not much of a story here. When you see Copeland’s post in context, it reads more like a cataloging of small mistakes that only the band would notice, not the people in the audience. Rather than a vicious screed written by a man still nursing grudges 20 years on, it’s more good-natured joshing between close friends (note that all concerned are laughing at the end of the night).

So I guess my hopes for a repeat of this fight have been dashed.

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Postby visions on 02 Jun 2007 12:25

We need new headlines.

I am sorry to say that rest of the world in the media just don't seem to get it.

I also think they were waiting to jump on the Police and couldn't and because Stewart gives us an insight they jump on a the band wagon that just wasn't there.

Can we banned all media from this site. Oh, that's right freedom of speech, it's a real pity they can't get it right.

Don't worry Stewart, which I am sure you are not, we are behind you and we think they are all idiots if I am not mistaken.
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Postby phaty on 02 Jun 2007 12:44

Oh I think the media should be able to read all this and the rest of the World as well.
After all, if anyone steps away from the band or sells his ticket because Reuters said the gigs are lame ... i mean honestly do you want to be in the same stadium with that kind of idiots?

I am just very surprised Jose is that calm. Did he already disappear the Djungle building a Voodoo puppet named Dean?

Postby visions on 02 Jun 2007 15:24

I am with you phaty. My father dealt with the media some his life and misquoted, however not as important as Stewart.

I am angry and frustrated that others that don't see the truth.

I think the media gets aways with too much. Stewart is my passion and I believe in him, however I know he is human, yet love his faults and the way he expressed himself. He has a wonderful way with words and I would hate to see him stopping because of this. He was talking to us, his fans not media about what happened that night. I know it's his public life and I can see the down falls but I hope he realised we are not like them and we love what he had to say.

I just want to defend my band, especially Stewart for he has done no wrong. I agree I do not want to be with those idiots.

I will defend Stewart with my last breath.

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Postby phaty on 02 Jun 2007 15:58

I know I am joking here a lot, because I refuse to see things too seriously and I campaign that attitude some. As I said yesterday this is the final proof that the Internet is evil ... Every step you take ... we watch each other. Maybe it is about time that we just sit back and let the boys come to our towns and let them give the answers on the stage.
If every little thing is analyzed and critisized sooner or later it will spoil all the fun. I don't give a flipping scheiss anymore what the little mistakes could be or if people were "forced" to calm down in the gig because "Murder by numbers" was played.
It is their music and they are not out to please us in the first place. They will only really satisfy us if we let them do it their ways.
I mean I couldn't believe when Dietmar showed up after the FC Show and said something about having mixed emotions ... GOOD LORD ... we waited 24 years of musical boredom to this day and God ... errr ... Stewart .. gave us back his son - THE POLICE!
Backing Vocals? Songs that "don't belong on the setlist"? Andy not dancing??? ...
If even the fans sound like this no wonder some Fleet Street Monkeys write a few stupid articles.

2007 the best year in my life!

And STEWART the next time you have a bad night out with your buddies I want you to show up here and type: "DEAR DIARY: ROUGH DAY TODAY BUT THE SUN STILL SHINES OUT OF MY BUTT!"



P.S.: I didn't want to rant anymore in English ... whatever ... 8)

Postby DirtyMartini on 02 Jun 2007 16:17

[quote="visions"]I will defend Stewart with my last breath.[/quote]

I think this thread shows that many will. A mighty, fierce, and LOYAL lot.

Yesterday got pretty freaky -- especially when dozens upon dozens upon dozens of different variations of this crap started popping up (some versions that I saw were really REALLY nasty). It'll probably last a few more days, but net news cycles rarely last more than that unless fueled (get the gag) -- though I'd expect plenty of side-comments of it to appear in future articles and interviews.

And if controversy sells more tickets, then rock on.

But please let me add how bloody proud I am to be a part of you guys. Copelanders don't whine and screech; Copelanders mobilize.

You people are beautiful.

I'll bet you make Stewart proud.
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Postby phaty on 02 Jun 2007 16:27

I just got an email from Scott Smith from TIME OUT CHICAGO - very nice but I won't give too many more details because of some of the comments he made about very few of his fellow journo colleagues .. ! 8)

Postby sockii on 02 Jun 2007 18:46

Hey guess what? Now WE'RE being least some of us...check this report out:

>Incidentally, following Copeland’s post, a number of media outlets
>picked up the story and published some of the drummer’s comments,
>which in turn let to a public outpouring of hand-wringing among Police
>fans who frequent his forum. The prevailing sentiment was that said
>media outlets—which, now, presumably, includes HARP—shouldn’t have
>printed comments that were not uttered in public or for the public
>record. (Several people also expressed concern that in the future
>Copeland wouldn’t be quite so verbose; fat chance there, not with his
>track record.) Memo to planet: Internet postings you make to a public
>forum are on the public record. Friends don’t let friends hit the “send”
>button… etcetera.

*Waves once again to all the media eyes watching us now...*

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Postby DirtyMartini on 02 Jun 2007 19:11

With the exception of the Sting line, at least this guy gets the facts straight and has actually read the post and the thread. Kudos, Fred!

(Although it's too bad Dietmar isn't cited specifically. Just cuz.)
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 02 Jun 2007 23:52

Hm. Guess this means I can pick up things off of Harp Magazine's website and reprint them wherever I want, since anything posted on the Internet is in the public domain, according to their logic.

Who cares what they think. They're the ones trying to kick the old tired trope of strife within the band...hell, anything to make a buck off the most profitable concert series this season. Sensationalism sells, as we all know.

(I'm kind of disappointed that Harp would take this tone. They're usually one of the better mags out there. Oh swans in the sewer, when it comes to a story this big, I suppose.)
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Postby sockii on 04 Jun 2007 19:43

*sigh* Anyone wank to poke at these wankers in their comments? Or course, given the name of the website, it's probably more than a little pointless... ... 068600.php
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Postby DirtyMartini on 04 Jun 2007 19:48

Save your breath, sweetie. Not worth the energy.
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Postby sockii on 05 Jun 2007 15:53

[quote="DirtyMartini"]Save your breath, sweetie. Not worth the energy.[/quote]

Very true.

Just gotta share this aside - I was just at my bank, wearing one of my Police t's, when the teller asked if I was going to the Philly show (ha ha, I said, then admitting how many shows I was attending.)

Then he said, "Did you hear that big story about the drummer?!" Before I could even start on my "they took it all out of context" spiel, he continued, "I don't get what all the fuss is about, it didn't seem like he'd said anything bad and it's only, what, the second or third show? What do people expect?" Etc, and how he thought it was actually really cool of Stewart to have posted what he did. That it made it seem like he really did care about how the music would sound, instead of just being some guy out there who didn't care and was only on this tour to make a buck.

So we ended up talking Police stuff for a while until he had to get back to work. Anyway, I just thought it was cool to see that people with half a brain aren't buying into the media distortions on this. But it definitely has spread EVERYWHERE. :shock:
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Postby blueseattle on 05 Jun 2007 16:01

All this fuss over the remarks is ridiculous. I really hope it doesn't affect this tour, especially since they pin it on Stewart "lashing" out at his band mates.

So lame. I hate the media.
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