Any Updates from the Fan Show??

Postby kimmy on 28 May 2007 09:08

Thank you so much guys for your updates.....

I'm sure you will write some more when your hands stop shaking from the excitment (a week next Tuesday then?!) :lol:

For us who couldn't be there it's great to hear!

Not only did you go for your own enjoyment you wrote set lists etc for all of us ....

It's touched me that you guys care about us and share your experiences with us..

Thanks guys keep em coming!!


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Postby New Zealand Promoter on 28 May 2007 09:35

....thanks for the notes so far guys!
let's hope we see 'deathwish' and 'shadows' enter the fray.....
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Postby DirtyMartini on 28 May 2007 09:51

I've come to the realization that I don't know what constitutes a spoiler in this situation, so please be warned that THERE MAY BE SPOILERS AHEAD. So if you don't want to know, best go.

Get comfy. DMartini can talk. And she knows some of you live for the piddling details. (*cough*Dive*cough*)

First, yes, I managed to win the autographed copy of Message in a Box. Very sweet. Looks like SC couldn't get the silver Sharpie to work cuz it seems to have been autographed twice (one on top of the other). So whoo-hoo! Plus, the 200 raised almost $4000 for Water Aid in about one hour.

Second, the stuff that you really want to know about: The Show!

Stage: The ovoid set that you guys saw the other day at the Dry Docks, only 360. The floor ramps up and around to make a pitched circuit (higher in the back), which gave SC a nice moment of being able to run a big circle around the stage (and smack Sting on the ass along the way).


Sting: white muscle shirt with v-neck; later for encores, no shirt but a jackety thing (green).

Andy: not sure how to describe the shirt -- kinda militarish? It had blocks of color on the shoulders and probably has an actual name, but I can't for the life of me remember it. Fun guitar strap with "Why God Killed Kenny" (and pics of Kenny) on it.

SC: black under-armor with red details, black headband, black pants, and black belt with silver studs. Quite flash.


I'll try not to repeat other folks. Here are some of the highlights I managed to jot down afterward:


Pacing: some songs were slowed down a bit from the originals (usually not by much), but they usually picked up the pace after the bridge -- and more interestingly, some stuff got faster.

Sting: Lots of folks have the "Jazz Fear" when it comes to Sting, and while no doubt some folks will still say he's too jazzy, I think he did a great job. He did some of his jazzy phrasings, but he did that 20 years ago as well -- and throughout he had a great deal of energy and punch.

Was. Not. Lounge.

Background vocals: with so many people in the audience singing, they were sometimes hard to hear. But I *think* they were a mix of samples and live? Can anyone confirm? Some were definitely samples, but other times it seemed we might have been getting SC right there in the moment. Whichever, they sounded really good. The only one that was an obvious sample was "Roxanne."

(SEE, STEWART! We told you you could sing!)

Andy: Some amazing guitar work.

Stewart: Dear. Lord. Ubique omnia. Worked like a demon, had incredible power even when bringing the volume and tone of the songs down to small and quiet fills and flourishes. Plus, not just one wall of percussion but two AND the big-ass gong. Incredible to behold.

Can't remember which song now, but there was one point where he was bringing up the volume/tone and was just beating the crap out of his toms. The sound was enormous.

Also threw a gorgeous rimshot during a quiet moment in "EBYT." Just one little rimshot really, but wonderful for being something that no other person would have thought to do in that moment. It totally worked.

Opening Moment: The Gong, leading into "Message in a Bottle"

"Don't Stand": Definitely a hybrid as Conroy pointed out. I agree with Blueboy that pushing it back in the line-up a bit would suit the pacing better.

"When the World": Rocked. Unbelievably great jam. SC looked like he was having a blast. Also a really nice moment where Sting was (up on the drum riser? or right next to it) where Sting and SC just looked at each other and smiled, then Sting laughed. Cool.

"Walking on the Moon": Sting sang, "I hope my leg won't break," and SC smiled. Which was either really funny or really bad timing.

"Every/Magic": Really lively, reggae/calypso feel.

"Truth Hits": really good. Slower than LP version, but NOT the slow version.

"Wrapped Around Your Finger": More gong! More percussion!

Also notable cuz this is when SC tripped. He started out at the percussion nirvana (behind and slightly higher than his kit), then literally threw his sticks and RAN the few steps back to his kit to keep the song going. Awesome. Only problem was that when he went to go back from the kit to the rack, he tripped. He totally recovered quickly, but it reminded me of the Gizmo/trip video that's posted on the site somewhere.

(Damn -- or was the trip during "Footsteps"? I'm so tired I'm starting to forget!)

"Bed's Too Big": SO excited to hear this song live!

"Murder": Either SC threw a stick into the air or (more likely) one broke and went flying.

"DDDD": This is the only song that I just don't think worked. The pace seemed odd and inconsistent. Something just seemed off.

"Walking in Your Footsteps": INCREDIBLE. A whole different song. I want this version on record. It had a real rock/blues/funk groove going during the bridge. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but "Footsteps" absolutely rocked. This is the one song that completely surprised me.

Also during the song a mesh screen came down, onto which animated dinosaur bones were projected.

"CSLY"/"Regatta": "Welcome to this one-man show" section sang twice, both times with a lyric change. (First time was "Welcome to Andy Summer's show"; second time "Welcome to Stewart Copeland's show.") Regatta was BRILLIANT. Seriously a highlight of energy.

Also fun is that they ended "CSLY" twice. Seems that the first ending just didn't do it for them?

"Roxanne": Sting sang the lower-note version of the chorus pre-jam/bridge, then kicked into the high notes after. Nicely done. Nice jam and call-and-response with the audience (that included lots more high notes).

"So Lonely"/"EBYT": "So Lonely" was GREAT. I only wish that they had "ended" with "So Lonely" rather than "EBYT." "EBYT" was a good version that really got rocking toward the end, but "So Lonely" has just such a HUGE impact that it seems like a better way to exit.

Ending: After they took their bows, Sting hugged Stewart, then Andy.

Other than some small criticisms, my only two major notes would be

1. Can't hear SC's banter! As I noted on the other thread, SC's witty remarks mostly got drowned out because people were still screaming from the previous song. Wait for us, Stewart -- we want to hear you!

2. One of the earlier songs ("Spirits"?) had some GitM-logo animation going on on the screens -- which is cute for a few seconds, but some of us were relying on those screens to actually see detail of the band. But the GitM animation played through the entire song. The film clips for "Invisible Sun" were understandable (and even had bits of live images fading in and out), but for that one song, you got nothing on the screens but what amounted to a GitM screensaver. Not good for the folks in the back.

Random but noteworthy, some of the Big Names in the audience:

Eddie Veder
Eddie Van Halen
Lawrence Fishburne

Man, I am so exhausted. Had an unbelievable time.

Last edited by DirtyMartini on 28 May 2007 11:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby visions on 28 May 2007 11:11

Thanks guys for the updates.

Sound fantastic, wish I had been there!

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Postby sockii on 28 May 2007 11:33

One quick question - someone above mentioned sampled backing vocals, but was that mixed in with Stew & Andy singing as we'd been hoping for?

Glad you guys all had a great time!
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Postby BEFAN on 28 May 2007 11:46

FYI, here are some short video clips from the Vancouver show:
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Postby BongoBoy on 28 May 2007 12:43

Sweet info !

Thanks for the details !

Sounds really great, and after seeing the short youtube clips it seems like a beautiful picture.

Andy, Stewart and Stingo sound on their game.

Can't wait to see more video's !

Cheers and Thanks !
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Postby Dietmar on 28 May 2007 13:27

I won't write too much, because I've got mixed emotions about this first gig.
I'm not really as satisfied as I had hoped I'd be.

the worst thing is that Andy played almost the whole gig with his Strat. Not that I don't like this guitar, but the whole Andy sound was missing. this guitar just sounds too "nice" and mellow for more of the more aggressive parts. the early Andy sound - gone. It felt more like a Dominic Miller work - big letdown for me.

also the backing vocals. if Andy and Stewart don't really sing (and for most of the time they didn't) then why should they act as if they did? If you use backing tracks, then just do it.

low points:
WRAPPED - just boring - even slower than usual
SO LONELY - in another key - and with no real power - mainly because of the guitar

Sting's fast bass playing during WHEN THE WORLD - incredible
new bass line part in MOON
FOOTSTEPS - when the drums kick in

ok, that was more than I wanted to write....

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Postby phaty on 28 May 2007 13:50

Dietmar I honestly think that you are stuck a little bit too deep in that whole thing ...

Postby sun on 28 May 2007 14:07

Thanks a lot for all the information, especially for the early posting of the setlist!
I have to wait four months for my first show but you guys really help to cope with that. THANK YOU !!! :)
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Postby Omaha_Perez on 28 May 2007 14:27

I am so jealous! I've got 3 more weeks to wait!
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Postby Hannaha on 28 May 2007 14:31

Oh god, I feel so weird... sort of upset and happy and angry and excited and jealous all at once... so bizarre.

Anyway... so whereabouts were you all seated - was anyone near the front? Anyone 2 miles back? Was everyone singing along or listening reverently? Was everyone dancing? Any between-song banter that you COULD hear? Anyone take any photos before, during or after the show (I'd love to see all you lot's excited faces!)?
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Postby Grace on 28 May 2007 14:35

Thanks for the updates, kids.
I am more excited than EVER! :D :wink:
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Postby racerxjj67 on 28 May 2007 14:39

Holy cow! Sting actually let Andy play a full solo on "Driven" like I knew he could. Better yet it was freaking awesome!!! Stewart looks in top form. This is going to be great and the fact that its a bare stage, like the good ole, ole days is even better.
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Postby crisalvini on 28 May 2007 14:43

Thanks to all of you for you reports!!!!! I have to wait 2nd October to see tem :cry:
Who knows what will happens in these months.... I hope the faults some of you saw will be cancelled, but that the spirit will remain the same! Apparently they were really happy to play together (Sting and Stew above all) and moved to tears (in a report from Let's hope they will go on and on and on andon.... :wink:
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