Wishes for safe travels.

Wishes for safe travels.

Postby mardee on 25 May 2007 12:11

This post is going not just to The Police, and their families, friends, roadies, techs and other crew, but to all the fans making the pilgrimage to the start of this tour. As people will be boarding planes, catching trains and hopping into automobiles in a short amount of time, I wish you all safe travels. My wishes also extend to those people who will be making their way to other destinations on this weekend, either for work or play, or returning home from such places. Safe travels and have a great time. :D 8)
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Postby DirtyMartini on 25 May 2007 12:28

Thanks, Mardee!

Safe travels, everyone!
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Postby kimmy on 25 May 2007 12:30

Thank you very much.....

I hope everyone has safe trips too and not too busy!

In the UK we have a bank holiday this week end and the start of a week school hoidays... so it's busy on the roads. I am travelling by car to Cornwall (which is one of the top UK holiday spots) to see Elton John.... not quite the same as the Police, but it makes my mum happy!!

I wish you all a safe trip to and from your concerts and please don't forget your posts to us!!


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Postby jedsoon on 25 May 2007 13:23

God bless everyone making the trek to Vancouver this weekend. Be safe and have a blast!
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Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 25 May 2007 14:06

You know, I went a-Googlin' for a fun image (because I remember once passing a shrine to Our Lady of the Highways), and found an Our Lady keychain...


That's taking things a bit far, but thanks to mardee for sending out the good vibe. Me, um, too. :)
On Google - site:stewartcopeland.net "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!
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Postby Spec A! on 25 May 2007 14:42

Stay Safe everyone!! :D
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Postby juleverde on 25 May 2007 14:44

Ditto everyone!!!

And most of all, remember to have fun!!

See y'all on the rebound!

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Postby nancyrose on 26 May 2007 03:07

Hope everyone's travels are safe, easy and fueled by pure joy!
I can't wait to meet some of you in Vancouver.
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Postby Miquel on 26 May 2007 04:44

Thank you very much to everyone......only 5 hours for starts the trip
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Postby Kim on 26 May 2007 14:51

Yes, pilgrimage is right, because it will be a religious experience, lol! I can't wait for the first person reviews to start rolling in...

Safe travels on this holiday weekend everyone!
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