I just saw this on TPT:they have a place where you can post a message for the Police and they will get a chance to see it before the tour starts...Just wanted to let y'all know! (I know, I know: we get to send our wishes directly to Stewart here, us lucky devils!)
Here's the thread with link to get to the page to write your message:
http://www.thepolicetour.com/members/co ... n#msg83962
Heh: I felt kinda lame, like the last day of school where you sign other people's yearbooks..."have a good life" or "stay cool!" LOL...but I did it anyway because I thought it was a cool idea...and it will be especially so for some of the more silver-tongued ones here (or I guess, in this case, silver-tipped-penned or silver-gilt-keyboarded?) <grin>