by Dallas on 10 May 2007 16:07
I really wish we could leave politics out of this forum. Needless-to-say we all have different opinions about politics and I would hate to see this board become "polictical"
However, I think it is interesting to note that Stewart's father, Miles Copleand, Sr., supported George H.W. Bush for President in 1988.
He lead a group and wrote an article called "Old Spooks for Bush"
He in a small bit of what he wrote:
"This is why my old friends and I are in George Bush's corner in the presidential race: we see him not only as one who has the wisdom, discretion, and ability to grasp the facts of our situation on the international gameboard, but as one who will appoint as his key advisors real experts in the relevant fields--unlike the inexperienced men with whom President Reagan has surrounded himself.
In good times, when there is little to fear from abroad, we need only a popular figure who can convincingly "play the role" of President. But when we are at war, or in an easily recognizable national crisis, we need someone who can actually be the Commander-in-Chief. It happens that we are in a state of national crisis, but, due to the Soviets' success at dezinformatzia and to our peculiar susceptibilities, it isn't recognizable. We see Bush as the candidate who, speaking with a voice of authority, can make it recognizable. We hope for the sake of the country and the free world that if Bush doesn't make it, another Republican will. Not a single Democrat in the running has shown the slightest understanding of what a game plan is all about."
When he says not a single Democrat in the running shows the slightest understanding of what the plan is all about.... he is referring to Bill Clinton and company.