If I may bend your ear (or should I say eye)? Lean your 6' + frame over alittle. Entre nous, it seems alot of the people in the Fan Club from TPT are speculating that the "special show" on May 27 is going to be a truncated version of an actual concert. Can you help ease their anxiety at all?
I'm expecting a final tech type rehearsal. That's all good. Techs I've been involved in have been a complete run thru. Are you, Andy and Sting going to do a full run thru? Please?
We, your dedicated fans (and no one's more dedicated than those on - because you are The Man ), hope that you guys do it up right. ALOT of people are hauling themselves to Vancouver who wouldn't have otherwise.( Dietmar (let's hear it for Dietmar!!) is coming from Europe for this show.) Please consider. Thank you
Mr. Copeland.
Thank you,
*bows head and backs out*