In "The Police in the East"...

In "The Police in the East"...

Postby lancaster on 09 Nov 2013 17:57

... when they're presented with that award for Reggatta de Blanc and Stewart asks whether it's live, he then asks something: "Where's the...", and everybody in the studio back in England laughs. I never could understand the rest of his question. What was he asking about? :D
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Re: In "The Police in the East"...

Postby Howstupidmrbates on 11 Nov 2013 00:16

It sounds like he's saying "Where's Ann Andrews?" maybe? A host back in the studio perhaps?
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Re: In "The Police in the East"...

Postby lancaster on 11 Nov 2013 11:41

Howstupidmrbates wrote:It sounds like he's saying "Where's Ann Andrews?" maybe? A host back in the studio perhaps?

Ann Andrews? Who might that be?
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Re: In "The Police in the East"...

Postby Fingers on 11 Nov 2013 15:45

It's "Where's Eamonn Andrews?"

Eamonn Andrews was the Irish host of the British version of the TV programme "This Is Your Life"
The programme would start with him surprising a famous person and then go on to tell their life story with guests and tributes from people they'd known throughout their life, I think there was an American version of the programme too?
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