At last it appears / Rush Hour

At last it appears / Rush Hour

Postby cillae on 06 Nov 2013 12:24

Birth of Animal Logic

Thanks Vigango
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Re: At last it appears / Rush Hour

Postby lancaster on 06 Nov 2013 12:54

What a beauty!! Andy's guitar is so ethereal, and then boom! Stewart kicks in.
Amazing. Such a shame it's not better quality or a complete concert. I'm dying to have some complete concert from this era.
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Re: At last it appears / Rush Hour

Postby TheEqualizer on 06 Nov 2013 14:55

Sweeeeet! Great find.
There is no bigger gong.
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Re: At last it appears / Rush Hour

Postby njperry on 06 Nov 2013 23:50

Nice to hear something of that long rumored recording of the Rush Hour tour.

Btw, who is this Vigango who posted it? He posts some incredible Andy recordings on youtube and wonder if he hang out here.
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Re: At last it appears / Rush Hour

Postby Mario on 09 Nov 2013 09:55

I was present at this show in Rio a couple of days before or after the São Paulo date. To be honest, I had great expectations about this gig but I was disappointed. It seemed kind of unrehearsed and sloppy. There was also a rumor, about a possible Police reunion, since Sting was kicking off his "Nothing like the Sun" tour in Brazil, the very same week. I also attended his show at Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. The highlight was certainly Stewart with his incredible energy. Andy seemed uncomfortable with the whole thing and left the band after this tour (I think).
I remember also not digging at all the rendition of "Don't stand so close to me" with Debra Holland. She was definitely not my cup of tea. That being said, I was still in awe with Stewart, who definitely kicked ass!
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Re: At last it appears / Rush Hour

Postby giovanni on 10 Nov 2013 19:55

It's good to hear such a great performance of 'World Gone Strange' with Stewart on drums! This could have been a great Police song...I can only imagine what Sting could have done with such a piece of musical art !
I know the guy behind Vigango, and is a great great fan of Stewart; I will pass the message to him!
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