Well I need your support to get my "Fan Page" (about physical conditioning) called "Musculo es Salud" (Muscle is Health) to increase their coverage (isn't a commercial "Fan Page") It purpose is to guide people to practicing a health living and respect their body for avoiding illness ( recovering muscle mass, eat healthy, avoiding junk food, practicing cardio and make a change in their mind accepting their own physic and put it on shape ) Isn't a place to promoting steroids or making you a super model... is a place for sharing information into a health way of living and mind change... I want to share this to a wide range of people in Latin America (in spite of the fact is in spanish your "Like's" are really valuable)
So if you like to support it only click on "LIKE" ("Me Gusta") on my Facebook Fan Page "Musculo es Salud" (Muscle is Health):
Thanks in advance