by Divemistress of the Dark on 02 Mar 2012 08:07
The worst thing about it is, you have to simultaneously prepare for both the best and worst case scenarios...very often nothing at all happens in your immediate area when they're calling for one of these 'sky is falling' kind of days...but something bad happens often enough nearby that you worry...We have an 80-foot pine tree in our front yard I'm always sort of eyeing nervously. Good news is that the prevailing winds would probably blow it away from our house.
I was dumb enough to leave the kitchen window open for a couple hours tonight and am dying of pollen allergies and unable to sleep...gonna be really fun dealing with the tornado sirens when I'm zombie'd out...
But we get three or four months of this a year, so believe it or not you do actually get used to it a little. You can't just stop living your life. You load up on weather radios, get all the weather apps for your phone, preprogram the weather station on your car radio, and try to go on about your business.
I'll try to remember to check in tomorrow (and will bug Luna too if I see her on FB...Indy & Kiki are also targeted for this shit, unfortunately.)
Most likely scenario for me is that our power will go out and stay out, but I have a slew of those big backup batteries so I ought to be able to get online using 3G (unless the tower goes down, which sometimes happens).
On Google - "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!