Just a few random things (LOL its really long, sorry--take anything useful disregard what isn't
You can choose to be a studied, properly trained drummer...lessons are highly advisable since technique can be corrected before it becomes a bad hard-to-break habit...this will likely involve starting with just the snare/pad...rudiments until you literally know them backward and forward...even development of both hands, etc...metronomes, different tempos, and dynamics...before even seeing the kit (I've taken lessons from 5 different people so far and this was by and large the approach...instructors vary of course...some will start you on the kit, take the fact that its a hobby for you into consideration, and just get you whaching away on the drums after some basics in technique)
If George Stone's "Stick Control for the Snare Drummer" and the 40 PAS rudiments aren't quite your bag or how you want to approach this, then you can just start with the kit, plug some tunes into an mp3 player (say like White Stripes or the Strokes, where parts are easy to pick out of standard rock beats) and start playing--have fun! Dave Grohl says he learned to play by beating pillows to 2112...no wonder he hits so damn hard
You can augment either approach, or do so completely on your own as a third option, with instructional videos (you'd be surprised how many are in Netflix, if you subscribe to that) like Tommy Igoe's Groove Essentials, Steve Smith's Drumset Technique/History of the US Beat, Greg Bissonette's, etc. Mel Bay's Drummer's Cookbook is a classic for rock beats (reading music is required)...you can find drum tabs on the web (although copyright disputes are dwindling those resources)...rent dvd...watch...play
Great drummers have resulted from both self-taught and formal training...just be careful of one thing if going the self taught route...if I remember correctly Tory Castellano (from the Donnas) really hurt herself bad because of the self-taught grip she used (tendonitis/surgery)...
Just a suggestion (I know some will disagree, so I submit the following with all respect): don't really even bother worrying about "talent" [whatever that may be] unless you want to be the "best drummer in the world"...don't even concern yourself with whether you "have it" or not...I've seen this completely discourage those who just need to work a bit harder than others to completely just give up if progress is slow-going, thinking 'well, I just ain't 'got it'"...Several famous drummers have given the public impression that they were just naturally talented and didn't practice (Buddy Rich would say he didnt practice when really he practiced his ass off)...keep at it, you will get better than before! If this one-time absolutely clumsy-string bean of a 6 year old could keep at ballet (another area where the predominant theory is its all about 'talent') for a decade until she was 'graceful' to the point where people would ask out of the blue if she was a dancer or a model...only later become a drummer, then anyone can do it at least respectably if you keep at it! Some people may be more-so inclined, or what have you, so what...it's really not even worth thinking about
Be totally patient with yourself...if you keep trying it will get easier...and if something remains difficult, slow down from 77rpm to 33
Steve Smith was completely befuddled by one of Buddy Rich's signature moves and he slowed down to tape to a crawl, saw what that flurry of arms was really doing, and learned it at a snail's pace...it's tempting to try and go fast, but learning slow is the key...speed comes with time...
If you go for an acoustic kit (my personal love, although electronic are the bomb, too) protect your ears...acoustic drums are F'IN LOUD, everyone knows that, but even louder than you think once you get going...I use noise cancellation headphones to protect my hearing and close myself in the room...the cat's are strangely ok with it, hubby too LOL...but I do tend to whack away pretty loudly
Earplugs, at least--please!!
Don't be intimidated when you start...I was so worried about sounding bad and uncoordinated...which I DID lol...that I was too tenative...short-cut any self-doubt and just go for it, forgive yourself, be patient, and you will rock, goddess to be!
You already play hand drums so you are probably far ahead of most of these ideas but I submit them *in case* they are of use to you!