ZM has always been a very close 2nd favorite Police album just after Sychro.... I am a vinyl fan and to this day I find that Sychro on vinyl is one of the best sounding recordings ever ( I have the KC purple vinyl for those that are vinyl lovers).
I decided that my CD copy of ZM need an upgrade so I am considering either the Japanese AMP 28011 vinyl OR the Nautilus half master .... Anybody have both?
In any case its incredible to see how this very underrated album ( never see with a special mention in books as one of the best recording of all time) seems so modern and perfect today . Not one filler song!
The Boys had it when they recorded this. I find it sad to see how Sting IMHO has lost it. I listened with a VERY open spirit ( I can appreciate Gregorian chorals all the way to Metallica) to all the Sting albums and again IMHO Sting has just lost his inspiration with each new album. I think the Stewart –Sting “war” was necessary to come up with that perfect music. Kind of like McCartney-Lennon. Yes Paul and John wrote some excellent solo stuff BUT their best was written in the form of a competition –who can write a better song.
Once the Beatles were gone they just lost steam every new album.
With this in mind I just have to listen to the great 5 albums ( all different but all superb) that Sting Stewart and Andy left us with.