Probably like Dick's Last Resort... just a couple of blocks from the AAC.
I have a friend that is a waitress at The Old # 7 inside the AAC and she can probablly reserve some tables for us in there!
By the way.. AAC (American Airlines Center).[/quote]
Ah Dicks... you're trying to make sure one of us ends up with the "Big FanDork" on our head, right?
Do you really think they'll add a second Dallas? Also, do you think they're doing bestbuy presale for that this wed? these wed sales are killing me, I have a commitment every wednesday! I better go round up some more best buy reward zone members if there's a second dallas show! I need my life back.
Sockii, which Fenway show is it? I'll pass on the info to my friends in Boston that want to see them but aren't willing to take out a second mortgage!
ALso, anyone have any advice on angles at fenway? My friend has our two in A1 and A7, both far left and right of the stage, but front section. I don't know where we'd be better off.
So excited at the thought of two in dallas!