Hello guys
It was a beautiful night!
Great location in a small park, but great Copeland night.
I have met Giovanni, and we have spoken about his world;
before the concert there was a small set of the band of the son of Stewart, Jonathan.
Infact Stew was so excited for this event.
Then there was the book presentation with some video from Rhythmatist and from the Police last tour.
Here we have had, I suppose, the best part of the evening. We have seen a video recorded in Tuscany, during the rehearsals of The Police, that has not been included on dvd. I hope Giovanni can help all of us on his new tube channel, because it was unforgettable. My english it's not so good, to explain in the right way what has happened in Tuscany and what has happened yesterday evening......
Anyway, then the concert, as always, we have seen our "mad horse" Stewart!
After the concert he returned near the stage to sign, his book and records, cds, shirt....anything. He was so kind with everyone.
As I have some time, I will put some photos and video.
*During the concert as the last times, I tried to contact my friends Maria in Portugal (Madrid flag bearer, first row with me) and Kate, Smudge in England (first row in Dublin with me), to give them some live snippets from the concert, but I was not able to contact them. It will be betteer the next time.
Ciao to everyone!!!