by smax on 08 Feb 2011 10:45
yeah, i had that last night....
wierdly tho the front page of flashes up for a millisecond and one can just make out the yellow headers, quote of the day and shot of Stews book.....before then going, as you've said, to gordo.con.....
and the viewer is confronted by those (faintly disturbing) blue pictures of an odd-looking gordo in full puffy-chested, dyed-hair, photo-shopped, cheek-sucking pose-mode.... .
i think if the p'leece site has died, it's a bit, well, rude and dismissive really, no pop-up to say what the score is or links to others' sites or 'thanks for memories/loot" messages........ especially as you / one can't get into the gordo forum to post unless you pay the $45 or whatever it is to join gordo's fan club. which ain't gonna happen.
or maybe they've taken it down so they can update and change the site for the 2011 reunion tour?
<---A photo of me with Stewart pointing at a photo of Stewart pointing at me.