by Divemistress of the Dark on 04 Nov 2009 17:55
Ya know, I live in Bible Country, USA (home to the Southern Baptist Convention, amongst other things) although I'm an atheist. I have to do a lot of tongue-biting when people tell me to "have a blessed day", and the like, but I do have to say I know a fair number of people who actually walk the walk - give money to the poor, live like you're supposed to, etc. One great example was when our area got hit by an F4 tornado last year - several area churches organized clothes drives, cleanups, etc.
The part I don't abide is when the Bible is used as a cover for grandstanding politicians to dictate social policy on gays, abortion, etc. And I don't quite think it's fair that clergy get to preach on those issues from the pulpit, down to recommending specific candidates or political parties, without losing tax-exempt status. It's really a problem out in this area.
As far as Obama goes, I'm with TOWOS - I'm into getting women elected and was a Hillary supporter early on. I'm pretty unhappy about some things that led to Obama's nomination, some of which I witnessed firsthand and close-up at the Dem Convention in Denver back in '08. It actually led to my leaving the Democratic Party (along with a few other factors involving my state Party, which clearly doesn't want women involved in any capacity.) But, there's nothing I can do about it, and bitching about Obama lines me up with the likes of that pinhead Glenn Beck - which I'm not about to do out here in right-wing reactionary country. So I sorta shut up about it all.
Obama hasn't done nearly as badly as I expected, given his lack of experience. But then, he did hire TONS of staff people from the Clinton Administration. Guess that was a smart move.
I think overall he'll do less well than some expect, but better than some fear. But, like TOWOS, I'm not a fan of his corporatist leanings.
I'll agree there are too many handouts in this country - to corporations, and other fat cats who ought to be made to pay their fair share.
On Google - "your keyword here" - thanks DM!!