U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby BongoBoy on 04 Nov 2009 15:51

Did anybody see "By the People" on HBO last night?

Behind the scenes of Obama getting elected.

I think it demonstrates the "positive" we are talking about.

He wanted to "heal the country".

I am simply glad that someone is trying. I know most people think it's all bull. I don't.

I fully agree with Madgrad. A lot of talk but maybe actually "reading" that book might remind a few people what the message really is.

Watching this "circus" on TV, makes me proud to be a Canadian were we like that our tax dollars go to help poorer people. I am proud of that. CNN and Fox and CBC and ABC think were practically Communists, if they are poor or imigrants they should die by their view. Nice.

All the best to everyone.

I wrote a line in a song once. I'm sure it's not original but. "There's a time to fight and a time to talk, before you react, look at clock".

Cheers Pals.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby smax on 04 Nov 2009 16:37

my favourite bit in the bible is the bit about selling your children into slavery.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby yobculture on 04 Nov 2009 17:48

[quote="Madgrad"]Read it, and interpret it how? Truly, the Bible has been interpreted in SO many different ways, who KNOWS which one is the right one? Basically, folks interpret it the way they see fit. The quotation from Matthew is pretty clear, but somehow I don't think Jesus had big companies who are spending stimulus money unscrupulously in mind when he said it.[/quote]

And that's my point. Christians choose to pick up the nice bits and discard the things they don't like. I'm not sure why or how this book, which is VERY specific, got to the point of being open to "interpretation." The book is supposedly the word of the omnipotent God, yet people conveniently choose to ignore what they don't like. And that's why quotes like "Way too many handouts in this country and it is costing us dearly...." bug the shit out of me. This seems to be the view of most Americans and most Americans are Christian (almost 80%). (Funny how non-Christians like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Richard Branson are the ones who give so much money to the poor!)

One day I'm hoping to meet a Christian who has actually read every word of the bible. Cover to cover. Not just a bunch of nice random quotes in an easy-to-read pamphlet! :twisted:
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby Divemistress of the Dark on 04 Nov 2009 17:55

Ya know, I live in Bible Country, USA (home to the Southern Baptist Convention, amongst other things) although I'm an atheist. I have to do a lot of tongue-biting when people tell me to "have a blessed day", and the like, but I do have to say I know a fair number of people who actually walk the walk - give money to the poor, live like you're supposed to, etc. One great example was when our area got hit by an F4 tornado last year - several area churches organized clothes drives, cleanups, etc.

The part I don't abide is when the Bible is used as a cover for grandstanding politicians to dictate social policy on gays, abortion, etc. And I don't quite think it's fair that clergy get to preach on those issues from the pulpit, down to recommending specific candidates or political parties, without losing tax-exempt status. It's really a problem out in this area.

As far as Obama goes, I'm with TOWOS - I'm into getting women elected and was a Hillary supporter early on. I'm pretty unhappy about some things that led to Obama's nomination, some of which I witnessed firsthand and close-up at the Dem Convention in Denver back in '08. It actually led to my leaving the Democratic Party (along with a few other factors involving my state Party, which clearly doesn't want women involved in any capacity.) But, there's nothing I can do about it, and bitching about Obama lines me up with the likes of that pinhead Glenn Beck - which I'm not about to do out here in right-wing reactionary country. So I sorta shut up about it all.

Obama hasn't done nearly as badly as I expected, given his lack of experience. But then, he did hire TONS of staff people from the Clinton Administration. Guess that was a smart move.

I think overall he'll do less well than some expect, but better than some fear. But, like TOWOS, I'm not a fan of his corporatist leanings.

I'll agree there are too many handouts in this country - to corporations, and other fat cats who ought to be made to pay their fair share.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby vespapod on 04 Nov 2009 18:19

I remember Clinton getting a blowjob in the oval office..thats a pretty embarrassing moment to American eyes. (An american who served this country by the way..I dont know how many of you nutters commenting on my threads seen some action or know how to salute properly). Most of Clinton economic successes were set up twenty years before if you study microecoconomics at an accredited college.

As for 9/11...if you live farther than 200 miles from NY...I have no time for you...nobody will understand it like us locals.
As for the 8 years under GWBush...I dont know, Sockii and I did pretty damn well...could retire tomorrow at 47 if we want!! Know where to put your money...makes life easy.

As for liberalism...dead in NJ...go Christie. As for liberalism...dead in Virginia...I think a bell tolled last night...what was Obama doing..."I was watching the Nets on TV"....couldnt care about the elections" Like I said...four and out...
ala David Dinkins...ala GWBush1 ala Jon Corzine....ala Jimmy Carter

Ill give him a shot but this country does not want big government and big taxes...the truth was told in the elections last night.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby vespapod on 04 Nov 2009 18:26

And if nutters thing Im a pig ass with my money...ask Sockii about my donations every year...to WORTHY causes...already did my time in the trenches of Camden NJ...didnt see results in 1988...dont see it today...rather move on to better things.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby dufmanno on 04 Nov 2009 18:33

I live inside the beltway so as soon as we start to talk politics here they hit us with a blowdart. I can however see the Obama home right from where I'm sitting typing near the very top of 16th street! The POTUS is pretty popular here but I have heard some grumblings recently...
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby BongoBoy on 04 Nov 2009 18:36


(I am sad that I felt compelled to comment on this thread.)

My mistake.

...I'll just go back to songs where I belong.

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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby Madgrad on 04 Nov 2009 18:39

And that's my point. Christians choose to pick up the nice bits and discard the things they don't like. I'm not sure why or how this book, which is VERY specific, got to the point of being open to "interpretation." The book is supposedly the word of the omnipotent God, yet people conveniently choose to ignore what they don't like. And that's why quotes like "Way too many handouts in this country and it is costing us dearly...." bug the shit out of me. [/quote]

What does being Christian or not have to do with this comment? Maybe I missed it, but I don't remember vespa making any religious references in his comments. The Bible is a pretty old book. Not like there's anyone around anymore who could interpret it for us 'for real'. What specifics are you referring to? I'm not sure what you mean.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby yobculture on 04 Nov 2009 19:12

[quote="vespapod"]I remember Clinton getting a blowjob in the oval office...[/quote]


[quote="Madgrad"]What does being Christian or not have to do with this comment? Maybe I missed it, but I don't remember vespa making any religious references in his comments. The Bible is a pretty old book. Not like there's anyone around anymore who could interpret it for us 'for real'. What specifics are you referring to? I'm not sure what you mean.[/quote]

Sorry Madgrad, I hope I didn't upset you. This whole post from the very beginning had "God" all over it. Vespa has made several references to "God." "God" in the American sense usually means "Christian." As I said, this country is a Christian country. (Almost 80%.) I didn't mean to directly imply that Vespa is a Christian (although I have a hunch based on simple deduction) but his quote is a quote that I hear all the time. Most Americans feel the way he feels; it's nothing original or new (Kind of like his "blowjob" comment). They can't stand to have their precious money taken away from them. They can't stand the idea of Welfare ("Handouts"). It's that sort of mentality that I find upsetting. Since we live in a Christian Nation it seems that people would be more willing to follow the words of Jesus and actually help people.

I wish more Christians acted like this:


But unfortunately, it's not the case...
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby yobculture on 04 Nov 2009 19:32

By the way, I realize I have upset some people so I will leave. I was just bored at work and this topic caught my eye. I felt compelled to respond. The original topic was how RIDICULOUS it was that Sting said that Obama was "sent by God" (even though the reporter clearly said he was JOKING) and how FUNNY it was that Stewart said he "worshipped Obama" (even though the reporter did NOT say he was joking).

Bottom line:

If Sting says it it's pathetic. If Stewart says it it's funny.

Got it.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby Madgrad on 04 Nov 2009 20:24

You didn't really upset me, yobculture-- I'm just not a big fan of generalizations, and was trying to call you out on it a little. ;) I don't think it's fair to assume that MOST Christians lie on the fundamentalist right, that's all. There are plenty of people of all kinds, religious and non, who are quietly living their lives, doing good things, giving to others, etc. Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening, and I"m sure you'd agree. :)

The Biblical questions I asked were sincere-- this probably isn't the place for it, but I am interested in what you think.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby gongbass on 04 Nov 2009 20:30

vespapod wrote:I remember Clinton getting a blowjob in the oval office..thats a pretty embarrassing moment to American eyes. (An american who served this country by the way..I dont know how many of you nutters commenting on my threads seen some action or know how to salute properly). Most of Clinton economic successes were set up twenty years before if you study microecoconomics at an accredited college.

As for 9/11...if you live farther than 200 miles from NY...I have no time for you...nobody will understand it like us locals.
As for the 8 years under GWBush...I dont know, Sockii and I did pretty damn well...could retire tomorrow at 47 if we want!! Know where to put your money...makes life easy.

As for liberalism...dead in NJ...go Christie. As for liberalism...dead in Virginia...I think a bell tolled last night...what was Obama doing..."I was watching the Nets on TV"....couldnt care about the elections" Like I said...four and out...
ala David Dinkins...ala GWBush1 ala Jon Corzine....ala Jimmy Carter

Ill give him a shot but this country does not want big government and big taxes...the truth was told in the elections last night.

Was in my Apartment on West 47th on 9/11. My cousin worked for Cantor-Fitz and one of my best friends from high school was a currency trader. Both in WTC and both died. SO please tell me again how you understand 9/11 more than I do? How was ignoring blatant intelligence the right call by the Bush administration. Obviously selfish bastards like yourself who care only about how much money you made under W.'s absurd tax code and corporate hand jobs, could give a crap about how the majority of AMerica faired under W. However most republicans I know are the exact same way, "How do I benefit and the hell with everyone else."
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby sockii on 04 Nov 2009 20:34

Madgrad wrote:I don't think it's fair to assume that MOST Christians lie on the fundamentalist right, that's all.

THIS and THANK YOU, Madgrad.

I consider myself a Christian in that I believe in the teachings of Christ. I have no use for the fundamentalists (or really, most organized religions as they stand today) who have twisted those teachings far from what they are supposed to be about. And I tend to think there are a lot more folks who believe as I do and feel as I do on the matter, but sadly the Radical Fundies have the bigger mouths and get all the media attention.

Even when vespa and I were just in Rome and sat in an audience of something like 7,000 for the Pope, he questioned as we looked around and took in the opulence and grandeur of St. Peter's basilica and I had to agree in his uncertainty: "Do you really think Jesus would have wanted this?"

It just makes me think of an old fandom saying that seems more appropriate here than anywhere else:

"Stop being on my side. You're making my side look stupid."

And that's all I'm going to say on this thread. It almost feels like the good old days of AUI right now. Going back to munching on my popcorn.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby Madgrad on 04 Nov 2009 21:35

Your welcome, and please pass the popcorn. 8)
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