U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby Ska Man on 02 Nov 2009 21:28

vespapod wrote:
anyone care to tell me or enlighten me as to what the HELL Obama has done good....I dont see it and Im 47 and I have good eyesight and I dont take Viagra....

Interesting comments. I agree with Sting and I also worship Obama. President Barak Obama has elevated the consciousness of peoples home and abroad which in my opinion is HUGE. He managed to captivate the world with a simple philosophy "Yes we can" kinda of like Mother Theresa to me, if we all did our part the world could be a different place. "One World"

I am not an American however I did attend the inauguration because he raised my consciousness and where I doubted I now have hope. From what I have seen in terms of American Politics he is one a few Presidents who in my opinion has a genuine agenda of helping his people and changing the view of Americans abroad.

That said Barak Obama in my view is our modern day Bob Marley both come from the same place and both promote PEACE.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby BongoBoy on 02 Nov 2009 21:38

I agree that "spirit" and "hope" are ideals that are just thrown around.

He's brought it back.

I was refreshed by the reminder to the regular folks that you have to pitch in, everybody, One world.

I knew he would be stonewalled...gotta keep fighting for the right.

"and until the color of mans skin, is of no more significance, than the color of his eyes...there's a war"

but I'm Canadian, I just found out this year I'm a Socialist. Now I really do dress like a Commie. Police army jacket ?

True all Dat.
Respect SkaMan
(and everyone of differing opinions.)
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby gongbass on 03 Nov 2009 03:03

Obama has only been in office for 9 months and personally I think he's done a great job. Just him being elected has improved the US's standing in the world. I guess anyone that wasn't Bush or Cheney would do this to a degree but still the open hand as opposed to the clenched fist is a nice change. I think aspects of the stimulus have been very effective. The dow hit 10,000 as opposed to 6,000 last october, so economically we are doing better instead of doing worse. I personally would like to see more regulation on Wall St., as well as ending the clusterf*cks that are the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but hopefully the near future will bring all of these things.

Just the fact that we actually have a possible health care reform bill being voted on is progress. The repubs had 6 years to "reform" health care and instead they took the Health Insurance lobby money and kicked the ball down the court. This country's health care system sucks, and something needs to be done about it. My family has what some consider a "good" H.I. plan and I'm still paying thousands off a month for all that wasn't covered when my twins were born a year ago.

I find it funny when people knock celebrities who chime in on politics yet listen to uneducated shmucks like Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh. All three are college drop outs who get facts and policy wrong on a hourly basis. Exactly how is a recovering drug addict, college drop out, schizophrenic like Glenn Beck more qualified to comment on politics than a College educated, world traveled, activist like Sting? I find the arrogance of those that supported possibly the worst president (W.) in our country's history laughable when it comes to criticizing Obama.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby 63falcon on 03 Nov 2009 17:47

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby Madgrad on 03 Nov 2009 18:42

[quote="63falcon"]:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:[/quote]
This: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby TOWOS on 03 Nov 2009 19:49


Could.not.resist (btw, I am not a fan of Obama because to me he's not left wing enough, not the opposite...)
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby yobculture on 03 Nov 2009 20:21

[quote="TOWOS"] Could.not.resist (btw, I am not a fan of Obama because to me he's not left wing enough, not the opposite...)[/quote]

Funny, TOWOS. By the way, every time I write this acronym I actually have to say "The Other Way Of Stopping" in my head; otherwise I'll write the number 2 instead. I fully agree with you about Obama. I'm totally indifferent about him. He caters way too much to the conservatives and I don't know why. The hysterical right spends so much time attacking him as a "socialist" that I don't know why he feels he has to given any concessions to them. He's totally letting them destroy any chance of having national health care in this country. I would love to take all the morons who label him a "socialist" to live in a REAL socialist country for a year.

But tell me, TOWOS, why do you think Richard Dawkins "borders on the psychotic"? I've met him twice and he's a lovely and gentle person who truly cares about this world. When he was a professor at U.C. Berkeley he was side by side with his students protesting the Vietnam War. And he's one of the most brilliant minds this world has right now. And I'm sure that's why Stewart likes him so much. He's the "great explainer"!
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby TOWOS on 03 Nov 2009 23:09


Yupz, I regretted having chosen this handle for a number of reasons, but I love The Other Way of Stopping, am curious about why the ditty is called this way, and now that I know for sure that The Man knows this name, I'm not going to change it LOL.

I was one of the deluded who believed that this country was ready for a sharp shift to the left (or - Gong forbid! a WOMAN president)! It is true that some things have improved (not difficult, IMHO) since the last administration, and I am willing to give Big O some more time because the damage done has been huge - but I have lived long enough to know that you don't reach THAT level of power without compromise with the Big Corporations and the Rich and Powerful. Idolizing him (Have you seen the banners "Obama is my Lama" in Berkeley?) and giving him Nobel Prizes for (ahem) Peace! is harming him more than helping him.

Dawkins I only know through his writings. I read several of his books and some are better than others, certainly I'd rather read Dawkins or Bertrand Russell than any religious book. When he starts spending chapters over chapters with the Mendel-style classifications of the types of frog cells, I get very, very confused and think WTF is that supposed to mean? He sounds like the lovely "mad scientist". That is, he starts wandering - like "someone else we know". :lol: But it's just my opinion - maybe I should learn to skip these parts and try to concentrate on the thesis.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby yobculture on 04 Nov 2009 03:14

Thanks, TOWOS. Once again you explained everything beautifully. I fully agree with everything you said about Obama. And I desperately wanted a woman to be president (I voted for Hillary in the primaries) but unfortunately, as a minority, women always come last. :cry:

And thanks for clarifying about Dawkins. He does tend to get bogged down in those details you mention! (I think Stewart LIKES those details.) But Dawkins is the first science writer I could understand. I was terrible in science in high school so Dawkins has given me a second chance in the science world!
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby vespapod on 04 Nov 2009 03:22

Republican victories in Virginia and NJ...I guess God is mad at Obama??
Hey Stingo...get ready in 2012....more changes ahead...God is parting the seas for that next candidate..
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby vespapod on 04 Nov 2009 03:29

I guess all my bitching on this thread is that I dont see the spritual side of Obamas election for the good of the world...I like massive experience and gradual changes...not drastic changes that usually this country screws up. I do feel he is a breath of fresh air in this crappy atmosphere of our world but I will wait a year or two for a final judgement...my own prediction is another Jimmy Carter with about 5-10 years to clean the mess up by a conservative.
Way too many handouts in this country and it is costing us dearly....
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby gongbass on 04 Nov 2009 03:48

vespapod wrote:I guess all my bitching on this thread is that I dont see the spritual side of Obamas election for the good of the world...I like massive experience and gradual changes...not drastic changes that usually this country screws up. I do feel he is a breath of fresh air in this crappy atmosphere of our world but I will wait a year or two for a final judgement...my own prediction is another Jimmy Carter with about 5-10 years to clean the mess up by a conservative.
Way too many handouts in this country and it is costing us dearly....

Right because George W. was a total success are there's no mess to clean up at all. He destroyed this country both financially and ideologically. Its so funny how conservatives simply attribute all of America's problems to Obama's 9 months in office. The "sh!t sandwich" that W. left is impossible to even fathom. WHy ot take responsibility for the guy that represented the GOP for 8 years. There was not one net positive from the 8 years Bush was in office, total disgrace. Jimmy Carter is George Washing compared to W. At least Jimmy Carter didn't allow the biggest terrorist attack on our soil during his term. 9/11, Katrina, Iraq, Deregulation, Ignoring Global Warming Science, Patriot Act, etc...
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby Tamadude on 04 Nov 2009 04:37


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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby yobculture on 04 Nov 2009 14:50

[quote="gongbass"] Right because George W. was a total success are there's no mess to clean up at all. He destroyed this country both financially and ideologically. Its so funny how conservatives simply attribute all of America's problems to Obama's 9 months in office. The "sh!t sandwich" that W. left is impossible to even fathom. WHy ot take responsibility for the guy that represented the GOP for 8 years. There was not one net positive from the 8 years Bush was in office, total disgrace. Jimmy Carter is George Washing compared to W. At least Jimmy Carter didn't allow the biggest terrorist attack on our soil during his term. 9/11, Katrina, Iraq, Deregulation, Ignoring Global Warming Science, Patriot Act, etc...[/quote]

Yes, and don't forget that Bill Clinton got off to a slow start, too. One magazine during his first year had the headline "The Incredible Shrinking President." You can't clean up a horrible mess in a day. But our patience brought us the Longest Economic Expansion in U.S. History, Moving From Record Deficits to Record Surplus, Paying Off the National Debt (and we ended up with a surplus!), Over 21 Million New Jobs, Fastest and Longest Real Wage Growth in Over Three Decades, Unemployment Is Nearly the Lowest in Three Decades, Lowest Overall Crime Rate in 25 Years, Putting 100,000 More Police on the Streets, More Than Half a Million Felons, Fugitives and Domestic Abusers Denied Guns (Brady Bill), Highest Homeownership Rate in History, Lowest Poverty Rate in Two Decades, Tax Cuts for Working Families, Improved Access to Affordable, Quality Child Care and Early Childhood Programs, Signed the Adoption and Safe Families Act, Enacted the Foster Care Independence Act, Created AmeriCore, Making College More Affordable, Lowest Number of People on Welfare Since 1969, Creating New Tools to Help Families Move from Welfare to Work, Nearly Doubled Child Support Collections, Child Abuse Declines for Five Years in a Row, Enacted Most Comprehensive Medicare Reforms in History, Extending the Life of the Medicare Trust Fund, Raised Child Immunization Rates to All Time High, Preserving Our National Treasures (Environment), Preserving Our National Forests (40 million acres), Safe Drinking Water Act, Unprecedented Investment in Biomedical Research, Smallest Government Workforce Since the 1960's, Brokered the Good Friday Peace Accord in Northern Ireland, ending decades of bloodshed, Building a self-sustaining peace in Bosnia by leading diplomatic efforts to end civil war and foster multi-ethnic democracy, Restored democracy in Haiti, ending military dictatorship and stopping refugee flows, Helped settle Peru-Ecuador border dispute and end civil war in Guatemala, Pressing for human rights and religious freedom worldwide, including in China, Burma, Sudan, Combating terrorism by developing a national counterterrorism strategy and striking terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan, Saved Mexico from currency crisis by providing financial relief,etc.

[quote="vespapod"]Way too many handouts in this country and it is costing us dearly....[/quote]


"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Matthew 19:21

Many Christians like to ignore things like that. (Along with Leviticus 11:7, Leviticus 11:7, Commandment 4, etc.) I suggest that all Christians actually pick up the book that they love so much and actually READ IT. Cover to cover.
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Re: U R gonna love this: Sting claims Obama sent by God

Postby Madgrad on 04 Nov 2009 15:37


"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Matthew 19:21

Many Christians like to ignore things like that. (Along with Leviticus 11:7, Leviticus 11:7, Commandment 4, etc.) I suggest that all Christians actually pick up the book that they love so much and actually READ IT. Cover to cover.[/quote]

Read it, and interpret it how? Truly, the Bible has been interpreted in SO many different ways, who KNOWS which one is the right one? Basically, folks interpret it the way they see fit. The quotation from Matthew is pretty clear, but somehow I don't think Jesus had big companies who are spending stimulus money unscrupulously in mind when he said it.
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