by yobculture on 04 Nov 2009 14:50
[quote="gongbass"] Right because George W. was a total success are there's no mess to clean up at all. He destroyed this country both financially and ideologically. Its so funny how conservatives simply attribute all of America's problems to Obama's 9 months in office. The "sh!t sandwich" that W. left is impossible to even fathom. WHy ot take responsibility for the guy that represented the GOP for 8 years. There was not one net positive from the 8 years Bush was in office, total disgrace. Jimmy Carter is George Washing compared to W. At least Jimmy Carter didn't allow the biggest terrorist attack on our soil during his term. 9/11, Katrina, Iraq, Deregulation, Ignoring Global Warming Science, Patriot Act, etc...[/quote]
Yes, and don't forget that Bill Clinton got off to a slow start, too. One magazine during his first year had the headline "The Incredible Shrinking President." You can't clean up a horrible mess in a day. But our patience brought us the Longest Economic Expansion in U.S. History, Moving From Record Deficits to Record Surplus, Paying Off the National Debt (and we ended up with a surplus!), Over 21 Million New Jobs, Fastest and Longest Real Wage Growth in Over Three Decades, Unemployment Is Nearly the Lowest in Three Decades, Lowest Overall Crime Rate in 25 Years, Putting 100,000 More Police on the Streets, More Than Half a Million Felons, Fugitives and Domestic Abusers Denied Guns (Brady Bill), Highest Homeownership Rate in History, Lowest Poverty Rate in Two Decades, Tax Cuts for Working Families, Improved Access to Affordable, Quality Child Care and Early Childhood Programs, Signed the Adoption and Safe Families Act, Enacted the Foster Care Independence Act, Created AmeriCore, Making College More Affordable, Lowest Number of People on Welfare Since 1969, Creating New Tools to Help Families Move from Welfare to Work, Nearly Doubled Child Support Collections, Child Abuse Declines for Five Years in a Row, Enacted Most Comprehensive Medicare Reforms in History, Extending the Life of the Medicare Trust Fund, Raised Child Immunization Rates to All Time High, Preserving Our National Treasures (Environment), Preserving Our National Forests (40 million acres), Safe Drinking Water Act, Unprecedented Investment in Biomedical Research, Smallest Government Workforce Since the 1960's, Brokered the Good Friday Peace Accord in Northern Ireland, ending decades of bloodshed, Building a self-sustaining peace in Bosnia by leading diplomatic efforts to end civil war and foster multi-ethnic democracy, Restored democracy in Haiti, ending military dictatorship and stopping refugee flows, Helped settle Peru-Ecuador border dispute and end civil war in Guatemala, Pressing for human rights and religious freedom worldwide, including in China, Burma, Sudan, Combating terrorism by developing a national counterterrorism strategy and striking terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan, Saved Mexico from currency crisis by providing financial relief,etc.
[quote="vespapod"]Way too many handouts in this country and it is costing us dearly....[/quote]
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Matthew 19:21
Many Christians like to ignore things like that. (Along with Leviticus 11:7, Leviticus 11:7, Commandment 4, etc.) I suggest that all Christians actually pick up the book that they love so much and actually READ IT. Cover to cover.