Uh, that was coool!
First of all: the music is simply GREAT!!! You will all love it!
It's Stewart 100% with some exotic influences here and there, but you can tell it's totally Stewart, you know what I mean!
The show is nice, it's a very big production and sincerely in some moments you don't know where to look as there are so many things happening in one time, but I can tell they all seemed very good actors, dancers, very 'athletic' and entertaining.
Only the motorbikes where a little 'funny', but that's an idea.
In its entirety is a pleasant show; in some moments I would have done some shorter episodes, scenes that last too long, but just a few I have to admit; for most part of the show your eyes are always wide open to see what's happening and how the story evolves. The chariot race is the peak of the show.
Stewart is immense...I know I know, it's obviuos on my side, but trust me, you know I usually am not afraid to say what I think even if it's a negative thing: Stewart is immense! His presence is definitely cool, the way he enters, the way he talks (you can easily spot he LIKES to work on this show), the way he walks around the arena and his attitude in being the narrator of a legendary tale. (when he rides the horse is like seeing the 'logo' alive, believe me)
His music and voice is almost at anytime! The actors talks in aramaic language (I guess) and you can't understand what they say, but the narrator follows almost everything they say.
It was great to see some nutters before and after the show! Great, now my collection of the ones I met is bigger...ehehe; everytime I met some nutters I never met before, I feel a little shy as they cover me with cool words and too many 'thank you's', and for me that's even bigger than the show! It was amazing as well to see again some friends I met while on The Police tour! Thanks for the pics!
I spent most of the evening with Stewart, before and during the show; Eugenio and I met Vittorio Cosma from Gizmo and Howie B (you know him I guess...solo artist, U2 producer, etc...) and we all got invited by Stewart on his personal suite at the third floor of the arena, where the view of the arena was very good; he came half an hour before the show, talked a lot about the whole process of working at such a big production, and how it's comfortable not to have sticks and excercise before being 'on stage'...ehehe! We also talked a lot about Sting's new album...and of course about the book.
After the first few minutes on stage, he came back to see part of the show together with us; back 'on stage' and back again in our room, waiting for some more friends and relatives to start a big party (from 6 people that we were, in a few minutes we were about 25, including one of his sons that I never met...now I almost know them all!)
Stewart was going back to the show and we left the room to go to our regular seats in the arena until the end of the show.
A great evening, a fantastic week-end in London, and great meeting with my nutters, and what else??? Oh yes...I asked the production to give me the chance to buy some copies of the soundtrack directly from them, at a lower price probably (they sold it at UK £ 15,00 at the show) in order to sell them here for all of you who might be interested (and I'm sure you are 'cause it's really cool).