The orange drumset...

Postby Secret Journey on 25 Feb 2007 21:35

yh i was thinking going for ambasador coated heads or maybe coated emporers like stewart on the toms what do you suggest for the bass drum I was thinking a remo cs black dot?
I have a set of cymbals allready and I managed to get hold of a pair of paiste 602" medium 13" hats a few weeks back and they are brilliant.
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Postby zilboy on 25 Feb 2007 22:12

I have nothing but respect for Tama's entry-level stuff. I have a set of Rockstar DX from 1992. They served me well for years until I could afford something better. My only complaint is that after a while, the covering on the bass drum hoops began to come loose.
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Postby zilboy on 25 Feb 2007 22:17

Secret, get a sturdy bass drum head, something at least 2-ply. Evans makes some killer skins with built-in muffling. I have an EQ3 on mine.
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Postby Noah LaRonde on 26 Feb 2007 17:03

My mom has that same orange drumset i think.
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Postby sockii on 26 Feb 2007 17:15

I'm still partial to the Sparkly Greens...they were just so very, well...GREEN. :D
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Postby Spec A! on 26 Feb 2007 19:10

Heh- I have a circa 94 set of Rockstar DX's as well! Coated Emporers all around except the snare's an ambassador, and the bass is a powerstroke 2 (love it!).
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 26 Feb 2007 20:09

Spec A!: do you still have anthing inside kick drum to muffle or do the ps3s not need?
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Postby Vince Flamacue on 27 Feb 2007 00:07

[quote="Secret Journey"]I have a set of cymbals allready and I managed to get hold of a pair of paiste 602" medium 13" hats a few weeks back and they are brilliant.[/quote]

Hey Secret, I'd love to hear the story behind you finding those Paiste 602's!
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Postby Spec A! on 27 Feb 2007 03:37

I've only ever muffled when recording- otherwise it's totally resonant and I like it! :)
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 27 Feb 2007 04:39

ah, cool :) Re: formula 602s I've seen some on ebay recently (I go there and drool often!)...they cycle in, varying conditions :)
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Postby Secret Journey on 27 Feb 2007 21:19

anyone have some good pictures of this kit or more specificly any old drumming magazines featuring stewarts set-up, maybe some one would do me the kindness of some magazine scans? lol
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Postby Secret Journey on 27 Feb 2007 21:23

hi yes im sorry to say my story of finding these babys is not that interesting as I managed to get a pair on ebay in really great condition all the blue labels clearly intact, no cracks, no keyholing and not much discolouration to the cymbal managed to get them for around £200 pounds i think thats roughly 400 dollars these days?
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Postby Grace on 28 Feb 2007 01:03

:D I love this thread. Drum geeks... sigh!
Makes me long for the old days. Somebody tell me the secret of how to still play (& not spark petitions) when you live in the burbs in a semi-detached! :wink:
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Postby GinaSuperCat on 28 Feb 2007 04:27

I don't use them but I have read reviews and seen many peeps give the mesh drum heads a thumbs up for silencing in apartment/shared wall living scenarios, since they deaden enough sound are actual heads and mimic actual drum head response better than other mutes etc...but, as I said, I haven't used them...I go for the iso headphones for myself and the outside world be damned strategy /grin

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Postby Skip on 28 Feb 2007 19:07

Seeing this is clearly where the drummers are hanging out- I have a question. I've been wanting to buy Stewart's signature snare for a long time, I finally have the funds. Does anyone here have one? I've yet to give one a test drive, so I'm curious. From everything I've read it's an incredible snare. I'd love to get your thoughts.
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