Hey kids, sorry for making a new thread, but I just got off the phone with San Diego Scuba & Swim (you're gonna love their websites: http://www.snorkelsandiegoscuba.com and http://scubadivergirls.com)...
Anyway, ran my "white shark migration area" issues past them and have been told they are NOT seeing them in general and not to worry. I went ahead & booked a couple of dives for August 20 (super ass early in the morning, so it's gonna stink for Friday night, but that's when you see the best wildlife, for the most part. I can always come back to the hotel & take a nap.)
Spoke to the very awesome booking agent, Rich, who told me they're filling up snorkel trips FAST and that I should have my buddies book now if they're interested. Story is, they take you on a guided tour - always a good idea, not only so you won't get into currents, etc. but so your guides can point out interesting underwater features - and they'll rent you gear, so you don't have to carry smelly dripping stuff back onto the plane.
Sounds like you can probably rent gear from them and then snorkel on your own schedule, but be aware you likely will need to rent gear from someone and it'd be a good idea to reserve now: the water out there will be cold. I mean really cold, like high 60s, which sounds OK until you realize water saps your warmth much more so than air. You're going to need a wetsuit. A 3 to 5 mil, not a rash guard or a nylon t-shirt, plus hood and gloves. Total price for tour + gear rental is $70 (although you may want to double check on what all that entails - I was mostly calling for scuba info.)
Phone is : (858) 539-0054. I told Rich HE needed to get it in gear and buy tickets for the way awesome drumming performance at La Jolla Fest that week
Will delete this thread after folks see the pertinent info. Or not, if anybody wants to talk about it...just trying to not have like 50 La Jolla threads going for people to keep up with.
Can't wait to see all of you who are able to make it out. xoxo Dive
(Do we have any other certified divers on here? If so, price point is $70 per, including tanks and weights, and they're doing both the kelp bed and the shallow portion of the cove where the leopard sharks & guitarfish are hanging out. YEEEEEEAHHHHH!!! Good thing I booked Southwest co I can haul my monstrous underwater camera on board without paying out the yin yang on baggage check fees.)