Just back home from the Camp Nou Stadium where I´ve seen the opening night of the new U2 World Tour. You like U2 or not, this is a not to be missed tour. How could I tell you? This is BIG, REALLY BIG!!! Despite some mistakes, 2 big mistakes on "One" with Edge in Idaho and Bono telling him how to come back, the concert was great with a never seen before stage, the usual political messages and a live connection with the astronauts in a space station out there in the sky!!!
I thought I would have enough with yesterday concert but I´ve just decided to go again tomorrow with a Roger Hodgson little break tonight. And Saturday Taranta in Milano and Sunday The Pretenders in Barcelona....
Anyway, to be honest, as an opening night, I enjoyed Vancouver much more!!!
By the way, I saw Phil Docherty, Andy´s assistant, working on stage for U2.