HA! Actually, Mr. DMD does not have a long thin face. He's just hella smart and pretty passionate, two things I like in a man (along with a killer record collection.) Here's his Facebook photo, if yer curious...
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3297/319 ... 595c_o.jpg
ETA: Holy mother of Baal! It's Baleful Eyeball!
Wow. OK, now I'm really wondering about my own sanity...I'm feeling feverish, may go lie down now...
Oh, and before I crap out: I'm growing the dye out of my own hair now...so the next time some of you see me I may be rocking, well, a lot more white. (Premature grey/white/whatever runs in my family.) Red dye is a PITA to maintain and I've been getting a lot of exercise - and washing my hair a lot - lately. Also, just got tired of painting chemicals onto my head.
It's already looking a little comical, with the red a couple inches away from my scalp these days. Had been hoping the white would come in like a cool skunk stripe, but no dice.